Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (2024)

This snuck up on me, but we only have a day left of submissions for this slate (well, rest of the day now, lol), which means another sub review!

I'll basically just be giving some brief (as in like 1-2 sentences - gonna be especially brief this time) feedback on all submissions, including whether or not your sub could be vetoed (meaning disqualified from voting). Note that I haven't talked with the rest of council about vetoes or anything, so none of the vetoes here are official, with the official veto slate happening in 2 days when submissions close.

These are all just my opinion, so you can decide whether or not you wanna take my advice

DuoM2 said:

- the funny

(in the real subs spoiler)
- This was also subbed last slate, though with a different name, and I thought it was just okay then, still okay now
- Honestly not sure if this uses Intim over Tech without having recovery, (defensive stes prob do, but they become a bit more passive) but it's still cool in theory

chemicalmines said:

- Kinda just end up as Lava Plume and Discharge with extra steps, but I do like the idea of an inaccurate move that has a benefit to missing outside of Blunder Policy stuff
- Bit hypocritical cuz I submitted one myself, but I'm not really sure we need a physical Electric move as the physical Electrics we have either suck (Luxray, Iron Thorns) or already have a good physical Electric move (Pawmot with Double Shock and Iron Fist Thunder Punch), so none of the physical Electric move subs interest me that much. That said, this is one of the better ones. Also shares a name with a move from SylveMons, but that version was just Electric EQ, this is a lot more interesting

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (1)Already commented on this last slate. Will double check with council to check if making the boost equal to Life Orb is fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (2)All pretty cool but probably still not hitting OU
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (3)This has a lot of potential actually, that bulk and Slack Off with recovery and a great ability in Electromorphorsis could make this a fun and viable tank or wall, especially with the added coverage
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (4)Stamina + Swords Dance + Milk Drink/Horn Leech is cool, typing is super meh tho, so I'm not sure if it'd pan out well really

IceLevelIncarnate said:

- meh. Even with the Quark Drives users being good, these probably aren't worth running just to set terrains.
- Not much to say about these. Objectively good but nothing special

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (5)I honestly think the hazard game is in a completely fine spot right now with the addition of Shelter, so I don't like this very much. Sounds a bit strong HO, with stuff like Volcarona getting to use it before it comes in to do QD stuff, kinda like Coal Engine from last gen but free hazards instead of a stat boost
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (6)Usually this'd get vetoed, but since Victini isn't in the dex the most broken abuser of this doesn't exist so it's probably be fine, esp with the punishment usually being harsher than Life Orb. Not too crazy about it, but I like the downside
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (7)Sounds like a pain to code but in terms of how it'd play, it sounds alright, fun interactions with Intimidate, Good as Gold, weather abilities, and the Paradox abilities
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (8)I like those first few effects, the Pursuit effect is funny but I'm quite iffy on it. Yeah it takes the item slot and that's usually not worth it, but also you kinda just run this on Kingambit or something and suddenly the opponent just isn't allowed to have Ghost-types lol

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (9)I know you explained the Sun god flavor stuff on Discord but this is still quite odd to me (esp since Rellor would go from pure Bug to Fire/Psychic). That aside, this is a lot to take in and I don't think it needs all of that at once. If you were to remove anything, I'd definitely recommend axing Drought, as Sun is already strong and this has recovery and U-Turn. It would already be fine with just Psychic Surge and Magic Guard anyway. Similarly, the move additions are lot but that's less of a concern, the only redundant things to me are both Teleport and U-Turn (really only needs one) and Strength Sap when it already has Recover and also added Morning Sun (which isn't that bad really, up to you on whether you keep that)
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (10)Simple but effective, laughing at Lando and being both a Spikes-immune and Rocks-resistant Spinner that usually doesn't care about Gholdengo is pretty cool

Beaf Cultist said:

Already reviewed all these on Discord and I have the same thoughts (that I c/p'd here so others can see them), most are cool

- initially didn't like the idea of tera blast interacting with tera shard no matter how weak it was, but the more i look at this the more okay i am with it.
- can't predict how this would pan out

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (11)pretty cool

- a lot of effects but is pretty cool overall

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (12)contrary decid is extremely based, ghost/fighting hisuian decid isn't nearly as based and i'd rather not have that there, but the sub is still good overall just for contrary decid
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (13)i liked it last slate
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (14)meh, not interested

Totally_Odette said:

- Is alright, not sure what'll use it though, outside of potentially Calm Mind Cresselia

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (15)Pretty cool Regen pivot with a typing that has a lot of potential right now, I like

- Very situational but neat effect, could be a decent way to deal with Zamazenta or Volcarona if it goes to the right mon
- Super cool on paper, but in practice I'd probably rather have a good Neutralizing Gas mon instead of this

Ayecrusher King said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (16)Probably broken as an item, you would just be able to slap this on a bulky Regen mon and set hazards forever, not fun
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (17)Eviolith has always been a noobtrap, it probably still would be this gen even with stuff like Bisharp and Girafarig, so I'm not all that excited for it. But, adding a 1.5x Speed boost to it would take from a noobtrap to broken, giving stuff like Bisharp and Hisuian Sneasel a free Choice Band and Scarf would be pretty crazy
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (18)I was really not a fan of Light Ball in JolteMons (it was funny in SylveMons, but SylveMons was a broken meta anyway) and I wouldn't be a fan of it here. Also, this might be broken just because of Pawmot
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (19)Meh. Sounds funny on Lumina Crash Espathra and Acid Spray mons but otherwise not much

- Meh. I like the Powder effect on it but otherwise it's just a better Swagger
- Indifferent to bringing back Pursuit (nerfed or otherwise), would be fine either way

- We had an Embargo ability in JolteMons (Concussion and Gorilla Tactics), and it was cool there, so I'd be okay with it here. Would like to limit JolteMons resubs, though
- Neat ability but feels redundant with the Overcoat buff we just got

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (20)Minmaxed Mamoswine is cool. I think there was an Ice/Ground HAvaluug subbed last slate and I liked that, so I like this too. Also, you don't need to get rid of Mirror Coat, it's never using that

Lysion said:

- Indifferent to bringing back Pursuit, would be fine either way
- 100 BP Calm Mind is kinda crazy, should probably make the hits like 20-25 BP so it doesn't outclass Psychic (or Mystical Power). Aside from that, decent concept, it's mostly just better Calm Mind that's blocked by Darks but could be neat on AV Meloetta or something ig
- This would likely end up having some really limited distribution because of how strong of an effect Spectral Thief is, so for that reason I'm not too crazy about it
- I'm split on this. I like Gen 1 Hyper Beam as much as the next guy, but this would be a really strong offensive tool that can be tough to handle defensively without really good play, with the real question being whether or not that's a good thing or not

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (21)Still extremely niche but is decent with the STAB boost
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (22)Meh. Is a fine but boring way to get around Truant
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (23)Actually kinda cool I think?
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (24)Thank you for not bringing back Agony Boots. This is pretty decent, as we learned in SylveMons that the Torment really isn't that much of a drawback, so this can be a decent boosting item for sweepers without being straight up better than Orb like the SylveMons versions were

- Is still fine
- Is still cool for Gogoat
- Nothing crazy but this makes sense yeah. Would be an adequate way to unban Lando-I
- Didn't realize that you also made a Long Reach sub when I also did, but we have pretty different effects on ours so it's fine. Anyway, this is decent, especially on Decid and Noivern

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (25)Is still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (26)Real motorcycle goat. Sounds like a lot of fun to use
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (27)Pretty cool. Not crazy about the move additions other than Dire Claw, butWater Bubble with its STABs (or Tera Shard gimmick sets, ig) is fun
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (28)After we just got Tuffy-Tuff Wigglytuff, I'm not too into another mon who's whole thing is just being (on paper) unkillable on both sides

Z-nogyroP said:

- Attacking Defog, is alright. Less necessary now that we have Shelter, but giving this to just a few mons can't hurt
- While voters will have to decide if it's worth voting for this when it'll just effect Revavroom, I am a fan of this cuz the Torques not all having the same BP is dumb lol. It was definitely for in-game balance reasons, but still. Plus, removing the sleep chance from Wicked is for the best
- Is still fine
- Poltergeist is cool, not crazy about bringing it back but not opposed to it either

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (29)Not a fan, very powerful effect for an item that's already good (especially with the hazard setting moves), turns lots of 2HKOs into 3HKOs. Would be fine if it didn't effect so many moves, but it does. Would be better as a Shield Dust buff instead
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (30)Decent for stuff like Garchomp or Landorus, but they will have to decide if it's worth it over Lefties or Helmet
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (31)Is alright, not much to say
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (32)Still cool

- Is fine
- Also is fine
- We did veto a similar ability that revealed all moves + item, so this might get the same treatment, will ask council though
- Meh. With the right distribution this'll be okay, kinda cool even for the pretty bad Orthworm, but not sure how necessary this is

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (33)Give it Gunk Shot and you're cooking
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (34)Pretty cool, gives Juggy something unique over Hydreigon and Goltres
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (35)Not too sure about Bitter Blade, but aside from that this is pretty cool, makes Leaves a lot more usable outside of Electric Terrain teams
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (36)Much better without Rising Voltage. As you were told, council is giving this a shot with Volt Switch, so it'll be guaranteed to make an impact if it gets in

Actively Aroa said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (37)The added moves are cool, but I don't very much like changing Wo-Chien's type

- Jungle Healing is a decent little buff, I like Zarude and this would make it easier to use

Gekokeso said:

- Still pretty cool
- Knock is a bit more common with Pex, Crab, and Scream Tail now but eh, still not super crazy about this kind of Knock counterplay

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (38)Kinda based, but I will have to ask council to see if this is something we want to allow, since it does introduce a mechanic and forms that aren't in this game which might set a bad precedent

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (39)Still cool

Rasdanation said:

- Still cool
- Exists

- Is just okay, better Super Luck if the opponent sets hazards (though if JolteMons was any indication, we are collectively very bad at that lmao)

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (40)Still cool

PQRDG said:

- Not sure how I feel about it. A lot of risk to it, since you have to rely on your opponents putting up hazards and you have to let them stay on (though you could just Court Change them on to yourself, but that'd be a gimmick), but at the same time if the opponent dares to get 3 Spikes up this move is suddenly 200 BP lol. Likely not broken, but I think we'd have to be careful with distribution
- All fine. Putting a ton of things together in one submission usually doesn't do well in voting historically (the only notable exception I can remember being the 6 or so Dance moves from JolteMons' last slate), but I'd be fine with all of these

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (41)I don't like the Tera Blast interaction, it's not broken cuz it's basically Natural Gift, but surprise coverage of any type is something I'm glad is gone. Aside from that, nerfed Gems are something that I've been curious about, so I like that part.
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (42)Decent, like a better Scope Lens if you stick around long enough
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (43)Unknockable Sitrus Berry, is decent

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (44)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (45)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (46)Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (47)Would be separate submissions as Salazzle and Seviper aren't counterparts at all. That said, Salazzle looks pretty cool (I like it being a Fire-type, but this would be more viable probably, and Iron Moth existing means that we wouldn't lose the type combination if it won) and Dragon's Maw Seviper is actually kinda neat I think? Slow, frail wallbreaker but Maw gives it nuclear power while actually having all the coverage it needs + DDance

Turtlek said:

- Nothing crazy, but would be pretty cool for some Rock-types, especially TTar and Smash Drednaw

Fragmented said:

- Kinda neat, basically Magic Bounce at home for some really good mons

PalpitoadChamp said:

- Is fine, not sure if people will vote it to just increase its accuracy but it's objectively good
- Acupressure is funny, but removing potentially dumb RNG like it is always good, so I like this, though not much outside of maybe Medicham (who legitimately looks really fun with this) is really gonna make waves

- Same feelings as a similar ability I reviewed earlier, wanna limit JolteMons resubs but Concussion/Gorilla Tactics was cool

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (48)Ghosts are pretty lacking this gen, so this would be pretty cool to have around

G-Luke said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (49)I almost wonder if this is overtuned, as while the typing sucks (at least until everyone uses it with Tera Shard even though that's probably not even good) these are all really really good traits for something with Wo-Chien's stats to have, especially the Overcoat + Shelter combo. The fact that I'm even worried about that shows that would definitely make Wo-Chien a real mon
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (50)Real mon, sounds super fun with Loaded Dice + Blast/Missile/Seed
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (51)Qwilfish would be a pretty decent Pex replacement, plus I like Wave Crash for when you wanna use it on Rain fsr. Overqwil is the real winner here, though, recovery and pivoting does that
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (52)Sounds kinda insane, nothing's switching in to Sacred. Willing to try it out, but it scares me

- Pretty neat, people like Lash so they'll probably like Steel Lash
- Always been a somewhat interesting move, but it was never surviving with 5 PP and Knock Off existing, so this gives it a real chance to shine
- Is fine but not very impactful
- Is a Dragon Claw upgrade

:pokeball:Pretty fun, almost a free Life Orb but you become deathly afraid of a bunch of random moves, it can work
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (53)Catch me running Double-Edge Dragapult lol. Would be really cool for stuff like Houndstone and Basculegion, but Pult might ruin it for everyone

- I love Talonflame
- This is just about all it needs for Battle Bond to exist, is fine

flareth13 said:

All my thoughts from last slate apply here, the below comment is just about Costar

- Is the natural way to make the ability work in singles, but I don't think I like it much. It's kinda like how Ditto punishes setup sweepers by threatening a countersweep, but way stronger since these mons aren't nearly as limited, thus making setting up with anything really hard

Swagodile said:

- Not really a fan, this was a thing in SylveMons and was controversial there (which is saying something considering what SylveMons was)
- We don't really need another one of these (especially since Cacturne got Ceaseless Edge anyway)

- Is what Iron Fist should be

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (54)Just makes sense yeah
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (55)All are fine, but aside from the still meh at best Combat form, these don't change anything for them

Gravity Monkey said:

- Hmm, I don't think it's clear enough that this is one sub, maybe make each letter a different color and also bold. Jokes aside, this is still just okay, I've soured on it a tiny bit since last slate but it's okay

- Hilarious gimmick, but just a gimmick nonetheless
- Not as flashy as the other Tera Blast sub, but I do kinda like this. The Normal effect is kinda wild (even though like nothing's running Tera Normal Tera Blast though), maybe make it just -2 but that's up to you

Mintly said:

- Decent pivoting option, going from being an HO enabler to more of a balance one
- Is still cool

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (56)I'm not 100% sure if I've read the effect right (the way I'm reading makes it sound like the "foe is also healed" effect only happens if the holder isn't Grass), but this sounds absolutely insane on Amoonguss and Leech Seed users. If I did read it wrong and the foe healing effect happens no matter what, then it's still pretty crazy on Amoonguss but probably not broken cuz that's a lot of healing for the opponent
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (57)Feel the same way I felt about the other hazard removing item from earlier, don't think it's really necessary

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (58)Makes a very niche mon a tiny bit better, would have an impact
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (59)Still probably not getting to OU, but TWave helps
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (60)People really like subbing HAvalugg, huh. Anyway, this is fine. Maybe give it Low Kick or something so it's not forced to use Superpower if you don't want to use Body Press
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (61)Probably still bad, but at least it's now a worse Samurott-H with U-Turn and Fillet Away instead of worse Bruxish, that's a way better mon to copy off of

Sigilyph Bro said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (62)Is the least impactful of the items that give weird speed tiers, but the weird speed tier thing automatically makes me not a fan of it and potentially vetoable. If this was made 1.5x, then it would be the same as an item subbed last slate, which I liked, but with a hazard immunity, which I don't like
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (63)Another hazard removing item I'm not a fan off
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (64)See above

- With the right distribution, this could be alright, it's something different for an immunity ability

- Is a physical Electric move, pretty decent
- Kinda just better Agility for Special Attackers, nothing crazy
- Kinda concerning potentially? Fairy/Fire is an extremely good type combo, so with Future Sight already being hard to switch into, pairing this with Grounds or Waters sounds really scary

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (65)Is another Rotom buff sub
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (66)Probably still bad, but it's something. If you remove Surging Strikes and swap Solid Rock for Technician, I think it'd be a lot better. Also, since it's a Dragon now, be sure to add Draco Meteor

Beebos said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (67)I kinda like the Accuracy boosting effect, but I feel like the Speed boosting of old would be better than the defense boost here
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (68)Weird speed tiers are something we don't want, would probably get vetoed for that
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (69)This might be broken, as while Bug is a bad type, granting full immunity to any type through an item sounds really powerful. Will have to double check with council
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (70)Sounds kinda interesting but I do think Protean/Libero would get around this (as long as you aren't the type of the move when you click it), so I like it a lot less just for that

- Simple but effective, are pretty decent
- Not sure if I'm reading the effect right, but I think you mean that a stat gets boosted, then the stat boost gets removed and a new stat gets boosted? If so, that sounds alright for a Moody rework as you can't really fish for a million boosts anymore

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (71)Is this fine
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (72)RIP Anger Shell, but this sounds alright, though it's really held back but its stats, as Smash sets are probably worse than Drednaw and Regen sets are a little lacking because of the stats

anaconja said:

- Pretty cool, like a nerfed Jungle Healing but for more mons, I like
- You're right, that is funny
- Giving Hoopa a priority move sounds insane on paper, but Psychic being such a bad type means that this is probably okay
- Is a physical Ghost move

- Want to limit JolteMons resubs but this was cool
- I agree that it's very cool, though idk if it's really worth voting in just to redistrib. Similar to issue to when Neuroforce won in JolteMons
- Similar-ish sentiment to the above, though can't deny that Regen distrib would be impactful
- Also similar sentiment to the above, but also this kinda sorta fills the same niche as Wandering Spirit. This would probably be better as an adjustment sub for one of the mons you suggested

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (73)Still alright
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (74)Probably could've been an adjustment sub, but the Tar Shot buff is pretty sick

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (75)Boring but effective. Would mean no more Poison/Dragons though, which would be a little sad

The Damned said:

- The burn ignoring is really random, but aside from that this is meh. I like Knock, but I don't particularly want it to have wide distribution again
- Somewhat interesting, combining the healing moves and the sport moves, though I'm not sure if that's enough to make them worth using
- Pretty good, though it has competition from a another Rock biting move sub now
- Adequate alternate Fairy move. Could probably do with being 75 BP

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (76)It's alright, PBond Zarude was cool and this does put a little twist on it with the type change but I'm not super-duper into it
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (77)Said this a lot this slate, but is a JolteMons slate, want to limit those, but this was cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (78)Decent buff, probably doesn't see much use except maybe on the Wide Lens-using Maushold, which just uses this now for that 100% accurate Pop Bomb
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (79)Meh, not super into

- Is a JolteMons slate, want to limit those, but this was cool
- This is for both Fairy Ringer and Justified (which you should probably make exact clones so you can put them in one sub), but these are pretty good, adds counterplay for two of the most spammable types in the game, could give some mid mons a use since immunities to these would be pretty desirable
- (For the Wind abilities) These just make sense yeah, both are pretty cool concepts that could use a couple more users

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (80)Pretty good, Brambleghast is really cool but its movepool really fails it, so this is a huge help
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (81)Would be a pretty good bulky Ground, not much else to say
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (82)A bit odd for sure, none of them are setting the world on fire or anything but Technician + secondary STAB makes Wugtrio usable as the glassiest glass cannon ever and the other two are exclusively playstyle enabling suicide leads, but hey that's something
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (83)All are pretty cool, especially Tauros-A and B as I can easily see them getting usage, recovery is huge for expanding their already existent niche

Yoshiblaze said:

so based

Ema Skye said:

- Don't think I want more Salt Cure in my life, but being able to remove it is really nice

- Don't think I want more salt in general in my life, but this could be pretty cool on stuff that isn't Garganacl, so I'm not opposed to this
- I like Alternatium Life Gem a lot, I almost submit like every slate cuz I run out of ideas, so I definitely like this. The flavor (pun intended) might make it kinda odd to work with, though
- Battle Armor would end up like Bulletproof, forgettable but underrated, which is not a bad thing I suppose

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Archaludon Suspect Test + Randbats Set Submissions Open (84)Pretty decent, Ghost immune to Shadow Ball gives it utility against not only Gholdengo, but also Skeledirge, Zoroark-H, and Dragapult (though all of them except Zoro can run Hex, so it's far from full proof) and Poltergeist is obviously helpful

lavarina said:

- Very cool move for a usually bad physical attacking type, I like
- Iffy on this, Thundurus is pretty good already and Charge is a great effect to have, makes it easy to snowball once you beat the Grounds with Grass Knot

Glubbfubb said:

- Is a physical Electric move
- Similar feelings to the recharge move submission earlier, though at least Bug is a poor offensive typing so this isn't too concerning as long as we kept it away from Volcarona

- Already talked about this a lot on Discord, is pretty cool

Another big turnout, but this review only took me like 4 hours instead of 10!

See you later today for vetos!

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 5649

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.