The Commerce Journal (2024)

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ut of the
men and
; before
just be-
ar I can
will cot
i mower
um ption of
*1 business
the close of
is car. Dixie
1. Taylor of
•resident of
iolph of St.
he n»ad and
of the sys-
M the Saint
Railway of
kr Traveler,
fyler. in his
I was along
Ldenv Oth-
fere: 8. H.
Ira! attorney
I. attorney;
I chief engi
Id bridges;
Ll-ndent of
I. Larimer,
IK. Cooper,
I. Connor of
Realty Co.
It Officials
party of Cot-
ken* through
They were
In trip of the
levery indica-
located resi-
street. We
less than the
land the lot is
I If you ever
[residence in
L you to in*
C. J. Simpson, Dentist.
Resolutions of Respect.
Commerce 12; Greenville 2.
Office over Perkins Bros., in Markley Building. Commerce, Texas
Return from Fishing Frolic.
Call Meeting.
Advertised Letter List.
> ♦
Dallas Harbert. P M.
4*1 mu tiiovuij v* v
We bought all our heavy cotton goods
Dillingham and wife
D. D.
Acker Hotel Changes Hands.
Broke His Arm.
The Commerce ball team de-
feated the Greenville team Fri-
Letters remaining uncalled for
in postoffice week ending May
22 1908. In calling for following
letters please say ‘‘advertised;”
Mrs. Mollie Forrest,
“ W. H. Furrow.
“ F. H. Crowder,
“ Julia King, (col>,
Mr. A A. Park, RF.D. 1, box
-------6:40 a. m.
-6:00 a. m.
Good calico, only ...
Brown domestic, good grade.....
Good ginghams, per yard, only.
Beginning the first Sunday in
June, the post office general de-
livery will be open from 9 to 10
a. m instead of from 2:30 to 3:30
p. m.
Children’s Day Service.
j week.
Miss Ava DeJernett returned
to Kidd-Kev in Sherman Satur-
Walter Smith, Harry Sterling
and Berry Fain have been at-
tending court in Greenville this
laborer, Mrs. Wilma Barton, to
the Home beyond death’s cold
stream, and as she was much
1 appreciated in our midst as a
; woman, (
I meet at the ware house on Satur-
in her ;day May 30 to elect a board of
B. F. McDaniel, Pres.
Post Office Sunday Hours.
ride with bis father and in some
supervise the management of the way lost his balance as he start-
2nd. That we extend to the
bereaved husband our sincere
sympathy, and earnestly pray
that he may receive from our
, Father above the strength and
May 18, 1908—The stockhold
ers of the Commerce Cotton,
Ware House are hereby called to
.-.J V CV ..... ' ..----
! -low Motr ‘-IA ♦/» *Al*j*‘t a hoard nf
As God, in His infinite wisdom
has seen fit to remove from our
day afternoon bv a sgore of 121 midst our beloved sister and co- i
to 2. It was a better game than laborer. Mrs. Wilma Barton, to
the score would indicate, as
most of the scores were made in
the latter part of the game.
Commerce made four 'runs in
the 4th inning and in the 7th the
Greenville pitcher tired out and
the Commerce team made seven i
more runs, cinching the game.
Big Covington pitched for Com-
merce and did fine work through
out the game.
Messrs W. H. Fincher, P. M-
Green, Dan Morgan, Frank
Hawk and Bloomer Marshall re-
turned Monday from Terry’s
Lake, in Franklin county where
they spent nine days fishing.
They report fine luck besides
many experiences the most dis-
asterous being the heavy rain.
—♦ • ♦
My stoCK is still complete. Am
receiving new shapes this week
and can fix you up with a swell
hat on short notice.
Miss Lillie Patterson,
At Rutland Maloney Co
ed to climb out.
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough
Syrup does not constipate, but
on the other hand its laxative
principles gently move the bow-
els. Children like it. Sold by
Fincher A Credille.
No. 1. Leaves at ...
No. 5. Leaves at
No. 6. Leaves at 10:12 a. in.
No. 2- Leaves at— ----- 4:20 p. m.
Leave word with Ablowich’s
and stock will be called for. 4t
1 : Mrs. T. J. Reeves left for her
\ home in Stamford Saturday.
f Miss Jewell Rexroad left Sat-
/ urday for her home in Van Al-
\ styne after a visit to friends in
our city.
A D. D a IIWU. -*>..» ..V
i ■ were in Dallas the first of the
day, visiting his Bro. Rev. A. W.
Gibson. Mr. Gibson will re-
main some time.
The graduating exercises of
the public school will be held in
the auditorium of the Methodist
church tonight.
Mrs. T. B. Anders was in
Greenville Monday.
Mr- and Mrs. A. A. Lyford
* Local and Personal *
A beautiful children’s day
program will be rendered by the
Methodist Sunday School next
Sunday morning, Maj- 24, at 10
o’clock. All are cordially invited
to be present on time.
T. F. Faireslwas in Greenville
Just received a large lot of ledies’ parasols
and umbrellas from 10c up. We bought
these goods cheap, and you will eave mon-
ey buying your paraeole from us.
____„ „ . . 6°
We have a splendid line of voiles in Qtp
all colors, at only, per yard ZJb
Fine lawn, 48 inches wide [9 P
per yard, only IZ-’u
Sueeine Silk, the best wash silk in /Qp
America, per yard, only ■ •• *vOL
We can save you 50c on every pair of slip-
pers you buy from us. The Hamilton-
Brown American Lady Slippers are the
beet that money can buy. We sell them at
S3,00 per pair. Better than any <3 50 ehoe
in the market.
Beautiful patent leather elippers OO HO
at $1-50 and • wZiUU
We sell more matting than any other store
in town. We sell 40c matting at OKp
35c, 30c and LUV
25c matting at 15c
We have a large line to eelect from, and
we are always glad to show you our mat-
tings whether you want to buy or not.
- Little Joy Ward, 4 vear old
son of the groceryman, fell from
the delivery hack Monday and and son Olin are in Mineral Wells
broke his arm below the elbow, this week attending the Press
He had climbed into the hack to Association.
We understand from good au-
thority that Wm. Pierson of
Greenville will be a candidate for
Judge of the 62nd Judicial dis-
Mrs Sargent and two children
of Greenville are visiting Mrs. J.
G. Murray.
The spring of the year is the best time to
do your papering. You will not be disap-
pointed when you come to our store to buy
your wall paper. We can please you in the
price, quality and color. You have to
spend a big lot of money to paper your
house. We can sell you beautiful wall Ep
paper as cheap as, per roll ww
We can please you in colors as we carry the
largest stock of wall paper this side of Dal-
las, and our prices are lower than any other
paper house in Texas. Give us a chance
to show you our wall paper We are sure
to please you and eave you money.
We have something new in enamel ware.
Our blue enamel ware is the talk of the
town. The ware is as tough as steel can
make it, and as handsome as the finest of
China, and the prise of the same is as low
as you have to pay for cheap ware any-
where else. •
Thursdays trade was consu
mated in which, Dr. H. P. Cre
dille, bought the Acker Hotel
property and sold to Mr, J. E.
Pratt, proprietor of the hotel,
his interest in the city Drug
Store. All considerations pri-
vate. Mr. Pratt has not been
here but a short time, but has
made many friends in a business
and social way.
Dr. Credille severs his entire
interest in the drug business
and will about the first of June,
take charge of, and personally
Nice barbecued meats and
sausage at Smith 4 Moreland’s.
J. W. Harris was over from
Cooper Sunday.
W. H. Maloney agent for S’ng-
er sewing machines.
Miss Gertrude Ablowich visit-
ed in Greenville last week.
Insist on having a picture of
your husband.
Miss Lida Jacks visited in
Klondike Tuesday.
Singer sewing machines sold
by W. H. Maloney.
Miss Jennie Bostick was in
Dallas Saturday.
Buy a Singer sewing machine
from W. H. Maloney.
J. O- Simpson was in Green-
ville Monday.
Bachman Fotografs them all.
T. D- Partlow went over to
Greenville Sunday.
How about the baby's picture?
W. J. Tavlor was in Cooper
For screen doors, Wire and
window framps see Tom Sayle
John Taylor has accepted a
position to travel for H- S- Betes
Hardware Co. of Paris.
Why not a photo of the family?
Mrs. W. H. Lake is visiting in
Lone Oak
Come and see our ♦2.00 siding.
Parson Lumber Co.
I resolutions be spread upon the The Hon. W. G. Gibson of
minutes of our W. M. U, and | Mississippi arrived last Satur-
copies be furnished each of the
Commerce papers and Royse
City News, for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Allie D. Debenport,
Mrs. Sarah Satcher.
W. M- Brackeen is in Green-
ville on the jury this week.
Wood Moreland was here this
week from Sulphur Springs.
E. E. Maloney had business in
Dallas the first of the week.
Atty. G. B. Hall, was here
J. E. Knight was here Tues-
day, from Wolfe City, shaking
hands with his friends.
was here Tues-
to his home at
J. P. Copeland
daj’ en route
B. F. Long, of Greenville, was
here Tuesday. ,
Hubert Puckett of Celeste was
here Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop
living near here lost their 2 year
old |>abe Monday night.
B. F. Vaughan was here this
week lacking after his interests.
Barney Hall and wife are the
proud parents of a baby girl
which was born last Friday.
Candidates Roberson and
Campbell of Greenville were here
this week
H. L. Carpenter of Greenville
was here Tuesday, mingling with
the people.
Miss Nelson of Sulphur
Springs visited Mrs. O. B. Rob-
inson last week.
Mrs. R. H. Finney of Gilmer Johnson grass pastures (pr rent,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Brackeen.
We are getting in new Spring goods every day. Never, in the history of our business has
our store been so full of goods as the same is now. We bought all our heavy cotton goods
late. There has been a big drop in cotton staples, which enables ue to sell you staples
cheaper than you ever bought them before.
i aright.
3rd. That we bow in humble
submission to that “Omnipotent
Will” which doeth all things well,
and that we forever cherish her
memory, who came, and passed'
out as quietly as a sunbeam, ex-
cept she left a light behind. I ...
i 4th. That a copy of these and Terrell Sunday and Monday.
The Comerce Journal Friday, May 22,1908
The swellest auto seat rubber
| tire buggies, phaetons andsur-
ries ever in Commerce at W. H.
J. J. Murray, district clerk of
Hopkins county,and wife and son
were the guests of his brother
J. G., Sunday and Monday.
Positively no fishing
in the Flour Mill Pool.
Keep out or be prose-
cuted.-Commerce Mill-
ing Company.
W. H. Whitley, the heavy
weight editor of the Wolfe City
Sun with his wife and two chil-
dren were in the city Saturday
and Sunday visiting his sister
Mrs. A. A. Lyford.
Miss Lena Arnold of Abiline
came in last Thursday and has
been visiting the family of W. V.
Warner and Miss (barrels left
Thursday evenihg for Paris to
visit relatives and friends for a
few days.
Just received, a car load of
John Deer buggies, the best
made for the price.
W. H. Maloney <
Prof. J. E. Condor and wife
are in the city from Ada Okla,
where he has had charge of the
high school. He has accepted
the chair of Biology in the school
at Ada Okla., and will be there
next year.
John Haynes is home from St.
Louis where he went for the
fireman’s organization at this
John Lilly went to Ijeesburg
Sunday, where his wife is still
with her mother who is not ex-
pected to live.
i our
sincere Christian young
therefore, be it
Resolved, 1st, That
death the W. M. U. has lost a
zealous and most efficient work-
er in this gentle, lovely woman,
that our Christian society has
He seemed to! lost a bright jewel.
tire some in the 6th, but came I
back strong in the 7th and pitch-1
ed the game out in fine style,
striking out 14 men, which is
going some. .
Toi#Ward did good batting, (courage to tread the lonely path
getting two 2-base hits, the only
long hits of the game. The score:
Commerce,—0 0 0 4 0 0 7 1 *—12
Greenville, —0 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 0— 2
Batteries for Commerce, Cov-
ington and Owens; for Green-
ville, Arnold and Dickson.
Prof. Gambol of Ben Franklin
was here the first of the week.
The firm name Fincher
& Pratt will continue the busi-
ness of ihe City Drug Store.
Pasturage. — Bermuda and
' J •; .. ' - 3 : ;
i ad

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Lyford, A. A.The Commerce Journal. (Commerce, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 43, Ed. 1 Friday, May 22, 1908,newspaper, May 22, 1908; Commerce, Texas. ( June 14, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The Commerce Journal (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6200

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.