The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)





















GOFF. K.M. WOODS. Relatives and friends of the late ELIZABETH MARGARET WOODS, of Waverlev. are respectfully invited to recite prayers for the repose of her soul, to be held at the graveside of the Rookwood Catholic Lawn Cemetery, tomorrow (Wednesday.

May o. issjj. appointed to com me nee at 10 clock. Please meet at the Catholic cemetery office at a4b a.m. JOSEPH MEDCALF.

SINCE 1880 REDFERN BRANCH 698 2644. 698 2315 WRIGHT. The relatives and friends of the late CECIL JOSEPH JAMES WRIGHT, of Wov Wov. are invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the chapel of the Palmdale Crematorium Palm dale Road. Ounmbah.

tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4. pm. PALMDALE FUNERAL SERVICE. UMINA. (043) 43 1931.

FDA NSW. WRIGHT. Relatives and friends of the late ERIC LYLE WRIGHT are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted in the South Chapel of the Woronora Crematonum. Sutherland, tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26.

1 993) at 9 am. Please assemble at the cremato num. H. N. OLSEN FUNERALS.

Caringbah 526 1032 AF.D A. 526 1032 MEMORIAL SERVICES STONE. A Thanksgiving service for tne life of dokoimt wulu STONE of Chatswood. will be held at St Giles' Anglican Church. Greenaaie street.

Greenwich at p.m. on Thursday. May if. ia FUNERAL DIRECTORS WALTERS AND SON DurwichHill. 560 9999 Kingsford.

663 0408 Lakemba. 759 4044 IN MEMORIAM CASS David William. Mav 25 1991. We can't turn back the hands of time or live again the past, but we will love and think of you as long as life shall last Sadly missed by mum. dad.

Jim. Tern. fonn. Lisa ano their famines DRUMMOND. lohn Georoe Grant.

In loving memory of our dearest nusband. dad. ooo ana great-poo. who passed away Mav 25. 1992.

It has been 12 months since you left us dad. we love vou and miss you so very much You are always in our hearts, that is where you will always stay Sadly missed bv your wife Clarice ana daughter Lorraine ano granocmaaren n.aren. catny. Paul and their families JOHNSON. John Malcolm.

May i90o ana Muov. September io. Loving memories trea sured forever Sadly missed Marie. Don. Geoffrey and Kerry MACMILLAN, Donald (Don) am.

Mav 199 Always in our thoughts, dearly loved and sadly missed bv wife Chns. daughter Marm and sisters Anne. Margaret and Christine ana their families. 40RAN. Catherine Mav 25 1 992.

Always loved and remem- bered. your loving husband Stan MORAN- Catherine Mav 25 1992. One year ago today, vou closed your eves and passed away Silent thoughts and a secret tear, precious memories will keep you near, we are reminded of vou every day. Our love for you will ahvavs stay. Norma.

Peter. John ano juoy MORAN. Catherine Mav 25 1 992. A silent tear falls every day. our hearts you will always stay Jeff and Donna.

David and Nata lie. Rodney and Simon. Cathy and Kooert SABIDUSSI. In memory of John MDiauui. moiv missarc ov many that knew him.

on this first care shown by fnends is a fitting xnouie to ms memory. Janice. Andrew. Anita. Brian VINCENT.

Dorothy Died May 2d. 1992 Nobody win ever take your place Friend Mona VOTE. William Thomas Mav 25 1992 loving memory of a wonderful father and husband Sadly missed by Belinda. Jan ana rviaTTnew LEGAL NOTICES In the Supreme Court of Hew South Wales. Probate Jurisdiction.

NOTICE ot Intended Distribu tion of Estate. 'Any person having any claim upon the Estate of BETTY MOGRIDGE late of Baigowlah in the State of New South wales, widow, who died on August 1 1. 1992 must send particulars of his claim to the Executors PETER KENT and JEAN AGIOR-TIS at MctoQt mccuoee. solicitors. A EUlnpau.

li UuL IW, ment Exchange 4 1 9 Sydney, within one calendar month from Bublm- tion or trus notice. Arter that time the Executors mav distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which at tne time or oisinounon tnev nave notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on March 24. 1993 McCOOEE McCOOE. Solicitors.

8 Belgrave Street. MANLY. NSW 2095. NOTICE of IntendedDistribution of Estate. Any person having any claim upon tne tstate or tvAsnc KATIE AOELA THOMPSON.

whodied on 3rd June. 1992. must sendoarticulars of his daimto the Executor. Phillip Kelvin Brownlie care of COODE. SCOTT CORRY.

Suite 12. 15-20 Bells Line of Road North Richmond 27S4. within one calendar month from publication of this notice After that time the Executor may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only tc the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Probate was granted In New South Wales on ltn Marcn. i NOTICE of Intended Distribu tion of Estate.

Any person having any claim upon the Estate of DAVID HENRY WATSON late of West PymcHe. Retired Secretary for Railways, who died on October 1 3. 1 992. must send particulars tc the Executrix at the address appearing below within one (1) calendar month from publication of this notice- After that time the Executrix may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only tc the claims of which at the time of distribution she has notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on April 16.

1993. Jeanes Ellen Watson. 6 Kooyong Street. West Fvmble. NSW 2073.

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Probate Jurisdiction. AFTER 1 4 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 18th day of January. 1993. of SHIRLEY ATHENE RYAN, late of Mosman. Widow, will be made by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE.

Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the Estate to B. E. McLACHLAN. Branch Manager. Public Trust Office, 1 Watt Street Gosford.

2250. AFTER 1 4 days from publication of this notice an application for Administration of the Estate of DARYL JAMES JARROTT. late of 150S Kaltlers Road. Lavlngton. NSW.

Slaughterman, deceased, will be made by Albert William Jarrott and Alleyne Frances Jarrott the father and mother respectively of the deceased. An a Dedication will be made that the usual Administration Bond be dispensed with Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to: SKINNER VENERIS CO. Solicitors. Balfour Street. CULCAIRN.

266Q. AFTER 1 4 davs from Duplication of this notice an application for Administration of the Estate of DYMPNA ALICE McCOURT. late of 71 Sydney Street. Willoughby New South Wales, pensioner, will be made by Garry Michael McCai-lum. the grand-nephew of the deceased.

Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to FARRUGIA 8. COMPANY. Solidicors. 159 Waterloo Road. Greenacre.

N.S.W. j9a AFTER 1 4 davs from cauolication of this notice an application for Letters of Admtnstratlon with the Will annexed of the Will dated 7th June. 1991 of JOHN GAVIN ROLLS, late of Kindabung. via Kemsoey. Grazier, deceased, will be made bv Gweneth Edna Smith, Jacqueline Helen Home and Sandra Tena O'Neill (John Hudson, the Executor being named in the said Will, having renounced Probate thereof).

Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to Messrs. HOWARD SHERIDAN COONEY HARVEY. Solicitors. 48 Belgrave Street. Kemosev (OX 7160 Kemp-sey).

of their Agents. Messrs. LLOYD LLOYD. Solicitors. 39 York Street.

Sydney. (DX 138 syoney). AFTER 1 4 davs from publication of this notice an application for Administration with the Will dated 3rd March. 1986 annexed of the Estate of VERA MAUD SAXBY. late of 38 Earl Street.

Roseville. Domestic Duties, deceased, will be made by Peter Leonard Saxby and Shirley Jean Fressl. the children of the deceased Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to HUMPHREYS eV CORISH. Solicitors. 32 Florence Street.

Horn soy. NSW 2077. (DX 9654 Homsbv) ANY person having any claim upon the Estate of THOMAS WILLIAM DELANEY late of Turramurra. Retired Salesman, who died on 24493. must send particulars to the PUBLIC TRUSTEE at the address appearing below within one calendar month from publica tion of this notice.

After that time the PUBLIC TRUSTEE may distribute the assets of the Estate having reoard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Election to administer with tne will dated 21287. annexed was filed in NSW by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE on 12593 J. Penman Branch Manager. Public Trust Office.

13 Soring. Street. Chats-wood. NSW 2057. NOTICE OF INTENDED DIS TRIBUTION OF ESTATE Any person having any claim upon the Estate of WARREN FIELD, late of Lugarno.

Pharmacist, who died on 28th December. 1992. must send Particulars of his claim to the xeeutors. C- H. COSSMAN.

solicitor. i25o canterbury Roaa. Roselands. 2 1 96. within one calen dar month from publication of trus notice.

After that time tne Execu tors may distribute the assets of tne Estate having regard omv to the claims of which at the time of distribution they have notice. Probate was granted in New South waies on mn rviarcn. i99j. NOTICE of intended distribution of Estate. Any person having any claim upon the Estate of HA LAM JAPOUR, late of Parramatta.

in the State of New South Wales. Company Director, who died on March 26. 1 989. must send particulars of his claim to the Executors Anthony Phillip Joseph and Grahame Joseph Tanna. care of ROBILLIARD ROBILLIARD.

Solicitors. 21 Georoe Street. PARRAMATTA. NSW. 2150.

within one (1) calen dar month from publication of this notice. After tnat time tne Executors mav distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution they have notice Probate was granted in New South Wales, on June 27. 1S89. ROBILLIAR6 ROBILLIARD. Solicitors.

21 George Street. PARRAMATTA. NSW. 2150. NOTICE of intended distribution of Estate.

Any person having any claim upon the Estate of KEVIN JAMES MALONEY. late of Lane Cove. Steward, who died on 1 1 tn January, 1 992. must send particu lars to tne public trustee at the address appearing below within one (1) calendar month from tne oate or puoncaiion nereor Arter tnat time tne public Trustee mav distribute the assets of the Estate ha vi no regard on to tne claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Election to administer tne Estate with tne Will dated 23rd December.

1 982. annexed, was filed bv the Public Trustee on 6th May. 1993. D. PENMAN.

Branch Manager. Public Trust Office. 13 Soring Street. CrBtsvvood 2067. NOTICE of Intended Distribu tion of Estate.

Any person having any claim upon the Estate of JANE ELIZABETH RAGGETT, late of Hurstvilie. widow, in the State of New South Wales, who died on 20th February. 1 993. must send particulars of his claim to the Executors. Jonn Robin Raggett and Brian Henry Raggett, care of HOLT ALLEN.

Solicitors. 18 Montgomery Street. Koaarah. 2217. Tel.

S87 8122. DX 11120. Kooaran. within one calendar month from publication of trus notice. After that time the Executors may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution they have notice.

Pro bate was granted in New south Wales on 20th May. 1993 Holt Allen. Solicitors. 1 8 Montgomery Street. Kogarah.

22 1 7. DX 11120. Kooarah. NOTICE for Dubiication Dursuant to orders for substituted service of application. In the Family Court of Australia, at Parramatta.

To SAHARA WILLIAMSON, take notice the DAVID WILLIAMSON has filed an application for dissolution of marriage in proceedings number PA.2S66 of 1 992 filed in the above court. The matter may proceed in your absence unless vou file a defence before the rt-aw rif July. 1993. or appear in Court at i -a George street, parramatta. on the 2nd day of July.

1 993. You mav obtain a copy of the Application and accompanying documents without charge from the Registrar. rarrwy court or Australia. 1-3 George Street. Parramatta.

N.S.W. (For continu.tron index) p.m. day before publication ROSARIO. Funeral Mass for the eternal reoose of the soul of the late GERALD RUPERT ROSARIO will be celebrated in the Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, corner Victona Road and Myrtle Street. Rvdalmere.

on Wednesday liviay o. issjj. Mass to commence at 9.30 am. At the conclusion of Mass and prayers the cortege will proceed io rvemps creeic cemetery. TIMMINS.

METCALFE 4 MORRIS. 25 ARGYLE STREET. PARRAMATTA AFO. 687 2600 ROSBROOK. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs DAISY ROSBROOK.

of Pagewood. are invited to attend her funeral to leave the Church of St Edmund, corner Wild and Holden Streets. Marouora. tomorrow (Wednesday), after service commencing at 12 15 pm. for the Eastern Sub urbs crematorium.

BOLAND FUNERAL HOMES AF A 553 8560. 519 8272. 314 2778 ROSS. The relatives and friends of the late PHILLIP HARCOURT ROSS are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service, to be held at the graveside at Camden General Cemetery. Cawdor Road.

Camden. Thursday (Mav 27. i jj. appoiniea to commence at 10 a.m. SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS.

ALL SUBURBS. 529 66 IS. SCOTT. The relatives and friends of the late THOMAS SCOTT are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, in the chapel at Fhne Grove Cemetery. Great Western Highway.

Eastern Creek, on Wednesday (Mav 26. 1993) at 9 30 a m. Bunal to follow at 10 a.m. JOHN E. WHEATLEY.

DA of W. 644 1135. (046) 25 0SSS. SEAMAN. The relatives and fnends of the late FREDERICK JAMES SEAMAN are invited to atteno rns runerai service, to be conducted in the South Chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, on Wednesday (May 26.

1993). commencing at 930 am Please assemble at the crematorium. H. N. OLSEN FUNERALS.

Sutherland. 545 3477. AF.D A 54S 3477 SMERDON. The relatives and friends of the late Bngadier RUBY SMERDON are invited to attend her graveside funeral service, to be held at Frenchs Forest Cemetery, at Davidson, tomorrow (Wednesday. Mav 26.

1993) at 11 am. Please meet at the cemetery office. By reauest. no flowers. Ruby's special reauest was a graveside funeral service.

PARKWAY FUNERALS. 15 Pacific Parade DEE WHY AF.D. 9721566 STEWART. The relatives and friends of the late THOMAS AUGUSTINE GEORGE STEWART, ot Lalor Park, are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the chapel of the Pine Grove Memorial Park Crematorium. Great Western Highway.

Eastern Creek, today (Tuesday. May 2S. 1993). appointed to commence at 2 p.m. Please assemble at the crematorium.


of Clontarf and Baigowlah. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service whach will be held in the North Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, on Friday next (May 28. 1993). appointed to commence at 9.30 a.m. SIMM-IOTY FUNERALS CHATSWOOD.

413 3552. SULLIVAN. The relatives and fnends of the late MURIEL RUTH SULLIVAN are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held at the chapel of Walter Carter's. 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra.

tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at 10 o'clock. WALTER CARTER Pty Ltd. 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra. (02) 389 3499.

AF A SWINOAIL. The relatives and friends of WILLIAM ROBERT SWINOAIL. late ot Rozelle. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the chapel of Mannings Funeral Home. 67 Victoria Road.

Rozelle. tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1993). commencing at 1.30 p.m.

After the service the cortege will proceed to the Suburbs Crematorium. MANNINGS FUNERALS. ALL SUBURBS. DA NSW BALMAIN. ROZELLE 5557551.

5557092. TRYE. The relatives and friends ot tne ute veronica jean TRYE. of Yagoona. are invited to attend her funeral service tomorrow (Wednesday.

May 26. 1 993) at 3.30 at the graveside in the Catholic Lawn Cemetery. Rookwood. Relatives and friends please meet at cemetery office at 3.15 p.m. J.

ANDREWS. Inc. R. Hilton. AUBURN.

649 7850. NEWTOWN. RYDE 512873. A A. 807 2732 WARRALL.

The relatives and friends of Mrs MOLLIE BRIDGET WARRALL are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in the South Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. Friday (May 28. 1993) at 10 JO am. Please meet at the crematorium. ALLAN WALSH.

CHATSWOOD 4196635. 4198747. AF.D.A WILKINSON. The relatives and friends ot trie late HENRY THOMAS (Harry) WILKINSON, of Mosman. are invited to attend his funeral service to be held at Palmdale Crematorium.

Palmdale Road. Ounmbah. this Wednesday (May 26. 1993). commencing at 12 noon.

SIMPLICITY FUNERALS THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA. Wov Wov. (043) 43 2333. WILLIAMS. The relatives and friends of tne late edwin (Lindsay) GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Mount Rrverview.

are kindly invited to attend Ins funeral service to be held in a chapel of Pine Grove Memorial Crematonum. Eastern Creek, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 a Kindly meet at crematorium. Bv request, no flowers Donations to the Cancer Research Foundation. PO. Box 1033.

Strawberry Hills. W. 2012. JOHN PRICE A SON. FDA NSW PENRITH 21 2020 ST MARYS (047) 2 1 2020 SPRINGWOOD.

51 1280. WILLIAMS. The relatives and in ends ot tne late JOAN SUSAN WILLIAMS, formerly of Maroubra. are invited to attend her funeral service to be held in a cnaoel of the Eastern Suburbs Memonai Park Crematorium, on Thursday (May 27. 1993).

commencing at 1 1 30 a m. Please assemble at the crematorium. BOLAND FUNERAL HOMES AFO A 5S3 8560. 5196272. 314 2778.

WILLIAMSON. The relatives and friends of tne late kay-MOND DUKE WILLIAMSON are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held at the graveside in Pine Grove Memonai Park. Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 1 1 o'clock. 2476895 WILSON.

Mass of Ctvistian Burial for GRACE tiLttn WILSON will be held in St- Eathenne La bo re Catholic hurch. 123 Gymea Bay Road. Gvmea. on Wednesday (May 26. 1993).

commencing at 1 1 IS a.m. At the conclusion of the Mass. the funeral cortege will leave tor the Woronora Crematorium. Sutherland. H.

N. OLSEN FUNERALS. Sutherland. 545 3477. AF.D.A 545 3477.

WOOOLEY. The relatives and fnends of the late TED WOOD-LEY are invited to attend Ins funeral, to be held in the South Chapel. Rookwood Gardens Crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1 993).

commencing at 3 pm Please meet at the crematorium by 2 SO p.m. 51 0 8444 810 8077 831 1604 891 1633 550 9972 670 DI NICOLA A Reouiem Mass for the eternal repose ot the soul of the late ALESSANORO Da NICOLA will be celebrated at St pecian catholic Church. Forest Road. Penshurst. Thursday next (May 27.

1993). commencing at 9 is am. On conclusion of prayers tot lowing the Mass. the cortege wH proceed to the Woronora Crematorium. Sutherland.

SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS ALL SUBURBS. 5296615 DONNEY. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs DOROTHY JEAN DONNEY are kindly invited to atteno ner funeral service, to be held Wednesday (May 26. 1993) in the Crematorium Chapel at Pine Grove Memonai Pane Great Western Hionwav. tastem creek service to commence all .30 pm Please meet at cnapet.

WH. TIMMINS. Cm-. King and Queen Sts. ST.

MARYS. AFO 6231791.. DUNCAN. Relatives and friends of the late ROSEMARY CLAIRE DUNCAN, of Glebe, are invited to attend her funeral to leave the Glebe Uniting Church. 1 9 foxteth Road.

Glebe, after a service to commence at pm tomorrow (Wednesday), for the Eastern Suburbs Memonai Park crema tanum By reauest no flowers, donation to world vision would be appreciated. ANDREW KENNEDY. FDA. of NiW KINGSFORD. 663 0408 EDEN BOROUGH.

The relatives and fnends or tne late miss CORAL MURIEL GERTRUDE EDEN borough, of Pagewood are kindly invited to attend her funeral service to be held tomor row (Wednesday), in the chapel of the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium. Botany, commencing at pm. Please meet at chapel. SYDNEY FUNERAL SERVICES AFO. MINCHINBURY 625 6500 PENRITH (047) 21 5399 EDENBOROUGH.

The officers and members of the Metropolitan Blue and Past Mistresses Chapters and the Grand Lodge Ladies Auxiliary of the Loyal Orange Institution of W. are invited to attend the funeral ot their esteemed member, CORAL tutnauNuuun. for runerai details please see family notice. JOHN GOWANS. GM HILTON WICKHAM.

Sec EVANS. The funeral service for tne late marjorie LESLEY EVANS will be held at the oraveside in the Northern Sub urbs General Cemetery. North Kyoe. tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26.

1993). commencing at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend and are asked to meet at the cemetery office at 1.45 p.m. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY. AID.

BURWOOD. 744 2178 EW1N GARNER. The relatives and friends of the late MARY CHARLOTTE EW N-GARNIR are invited to attend her funeral service, to he held tadav (Tues day. May 25. 1993).

commencing at 930 am within the South cnaoel of tne woronora Crematorium. Please aitemble at the cremate. hum prior to the appointed service time. H. N.

OLSEN FUNERALS. Sutherland. nana. OA S45 3477. 943 arr.

Ar. FLEMING. The relatives and friends of the late WILLIAM MICHAEL FLEMING, of Panama. are invited to attend his funeral to be nefd in the cnaoel ot the Pine Grove Crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday), prayers commenc ing at ju p.m. Pie; bv 2 ase meet at the crematorium 20 PTTI.


will be held in the Anglican lawn section of the Field ot Mars Cemetery. Quarry Road. Ryde. tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon, commencing at 3 30 o'clock. Please meet at the cemetery office.

LABOR FUNERALS 59 Enmore Road. Newtown. SS7 2777. AF.O. 557 2778.

FORD. The relatives and friends of the late DOROTHY EDITH FORD are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, to be held in a cnaoel of tne woronora crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1993). commencing at 9.30 a.m.

Please meet at the crematorium. J. HARDY. 13 The Seven Ways. Rockdale 5994400 AFO.

NSW. GAWTHORNE. Relatives and fnends of the fate RONALD GOROON GAWTHORNE are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held at the Uniting Church. Melford Street," Hurls-tone Park, today (May 25. 1 993).

commencing at 2 P.m. His cremation will follow at the Rookwood Crematorium. T. ANDREWS. NEWTOWN.

SS7 2873 RYDE HORNSBY. 807 2732. A A. 477 3272. GIRARDL The relatives and friends of the late CIRMINE GIRARDI.

late of Btrrong. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the Assembly of God Church Catherine Street. Punchbowl, Wednesday morning (May 26. 1993). commencing at 10 clock.

Following the service the funeral will leave for the family vault. Independent section of the Rookwood Cemetery. A HARE LEICHHARDT FDA NSW. 569199S. 5691811 GOFF.

The relatives and friends of the late KATHLEEN MAY GOFF are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held Wednesday (Mav 26. 1993) in the Crematorium Chapel at Pine-Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek, service to commence at 3-30 p.m. TIMMINS.


GOODWIN. The funeral service tor the late DOROTHY JEAN (Jeanie) GOODWIN, ot Noravilie. will be held in the chapel at Palmdale Crematonum. Palmdale Road. Ounmbah.

tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at 1130 a.m. PALMDALE FUNERAL SERVICE. TOUKLEY. (043) 97 1131. FDA NSW.

GREEN. The relatives and fnends of tne taie wilum RICHARD (Bill) GREEN, of Concord, are invited to attend his funeral to be held in the chaoet of the Rookwood Gardens Crematonum. tomorrow (Wednesday), service commencing at 2 pm. Please meet at the crematorium by 1.50 m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS.

SERVING SYDNEY. FIVE DOCK. 7131911. GRIFFITHS. The relatives and fnends at the late RICHARD KINGSFORD (Dick) GRIFFITHS, ot Toronto Private Nursing Home and formerly of Lalor Park and Seven Hills, are invited to attend his funeral service tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 0 30 am in the Funeral Chapel.

Blackall Street. Broad meadow. Newcastle Trus service will be followed by a private cremation. JAMES MURRAY. (049) 61 1435 HALFPENNY.

Relatives and fnends ot tne late DULCit lach-LAN HALFPENNY are invited to ft tend her funeral, to be held at t. Davids Anglican Church. Bur-rawarvg. on Wednesday (Mav 26. 1 993).

service commencing at 1 1 a.m. On conclusion of service, the cortege wall leave for the Burra-wang General Cemetery. BEAVAN FUNERALS BOWRAL. A F.O A 61 2067. HAMILTON.

The relatives and fnends of the late VALMA MARGARET HAMILTON, of Macouane Fields, are invited to attend her funeral service to be conducted at the Forest Lawn Crematonum. Camden Valley Way. Lepoington. tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26.

1993). commencing at 10 30 a.m. Please meet at crematorium at 10 20 a m. No flowers by reauest. WHITE LAOY FUNERALS.

3S Kitchener Parade. Banks town. 790 1 HARCOURT. The relatives and friends of the late RUSSELL OWEN HARCOURT. of Concord, are invited to attend his funeral service to be conducted within a chapei of the Rookwood Gardens Crematorium.

tomorrow (Wednesday. Mav 26. 1993). commencing at 3.30 Please meet at the crematorium. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AMD CREMATION SOCIETY.

AF BURWOOD 1 744 2178 HAYNE. The relatives and fnends of CHARLES HAYNE. late of Stanmore. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the South Chapel of Northern Suburbs Crematorium, today (Tuesday. May 2S.

1993). commencing at 10.30 a.m. Pleas meet at crematorium. MANNINGS FUNERALS. ALL SUBURBS.

FDA NSW BALMAIN. ROZELLE 555 7551. 555 7092. HEARD. The relatives and friends of LOUISA FLORENCE HEARD, of West Ryde.

are invited to attend her funeral service to be held in a chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematonum. Thursday next (Mav 27. 1993) at 'A lease meet at the crematorium KENNETH MAURER FUNERALS. NORTH SYDNEY 9SS1S10 3ib B1 3 A FDA HERMES. The relatives and friends of the late LORIS YVONNE MARY HERMES, of Belrose.

are invited to attend her funeral service to be held in the North Chapel of Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (wcanesflav) at ii am. By reauest no flowers. BRUCE MAURER FUNERALS. 325 Pacific Highway. CROWS NEST.

955 6121 AF.D HOBSS. The relatives and friends of the late MERLE MILDRED HOBBS. Of Milperra are kindly invited to attend her funeral service to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. Mav 26. 1 993) in the chapel of the Forest Lawn Crematorium.

Camden Valley Way. Lepoington. appointed to commence at 1 1 am. Please meet at the chapel. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA.

6093933 JACKSON. The relatives and friends of the late VERA MARGARET (Aunt) JACKSON are kindly invited to attend her church service, to be held in the Uniting Church. Moore Street East Roseville. Thursday (Mav 27 1 993). commencing at 1 0 a m.

At the conclusion of the church service the cortege will proceed to iMortnern auouros rematorium ALLEN MATTHEWS TURRAMURRA 46B7477. AF.D JANNAR. The relatives and fnends of the late ERIC WILFRED JANNAR are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service, to be held on Friday (May 28. 1 993) in the West Chapel of the Rookwood Crematorium, commencing at ii am. Please meet at the crematorium WALTERS t.

SON. FDA of N.S.W. DurwichHill. Lakrmbj 560 9999. 7594044 JOHNSON.

The relatives and friends of the late LESLIE FRAN- CIS JOHNSON are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held within the West Chapel of the woronora crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at pm. Please meet at the crematorium In lieu ot flowers, donations to tne cancer r-ounoation. SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS ALL SUBURBS. 5296615 KATER. The relatives and friends of the late JOHN BAYLEY DARVALL KATER.

of Dubbo. are invited to attend his memonai service to be held at nam. tomorrow (Wednesday), at the Holy Tnnitv Anglican Church. Dubbo. LARCOMBE SON.

Funeral Directors, Dubbo. Phone (068) 82 3199 KIRBY. Reouiem Mass for the repose of the sou or the late rt, AUBREY DANIEL KIRBY will be celebrated in St. Canice's Catholic Church. Katoomba Street.

Katoomba. on Wednesday next (May 26. 1993). commencing at 10 am. At conclusion of Mass and following prayers the cortege will proceed to Katoomba Cemetery DON TILOEN'S BLUE MOUNTAINS FUNERALS KATOOMBA (047)62 2922 SPRINGWOOD.

(047)51 6166 Member FDA of NSW. Ltd. LAMBERT. The relatives and fnends of the late WILLIAM MAJOR LAMBERT are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted in SL Mark Anglican Church. Jamison Street.

Granville, tomorrow (Wednesday), commencina at 9 a The funeral will leave the church on conclusion of service, for the Kookwood Gardens crematorium. A. F. ANDERSON PTY. LTD.

GRANVILLE AF.D. 637 1533 LOCHUN. The relatives and fnends of the late RUTH ELSIE JOYCE LOCHLIN are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in a chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tomorrow (May 26. 1 993). commencing at 1 1 20 a m.

Please meet at the crematorium. WOOD COFFILL FUNERALS. FDA of NSW RANDWICK. 399 9988 MAIL. A service for the late RUPERT JOHN MAIL will be held in a chapel at the Rookwood Crematorium, next Wednesday (May 26.

1 993). commencing at 2.30 p.m. Please meet at crematorium In lieu of floral tributes, donations may be forwarded to Cancer Council NSW. P.O. Box 572.

Kings Cross 201 1. ALBERT MEYER. THORNLEIGH. 484 3992 MALLINSON. The relatives and friends ot the late HENRY JOSEPH MALLINSON.

of Croydon Park, are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. Mav 26. 1993). in the East Chapel of the Rookwood Gardens Crematorium, commencing at 9.30 a.m. Please meet at the crematorium No flowers bv reauest.

dona tions to the Cancer Research Foundation. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA. 6093933 MARTIN. The relatives and friends of the late ADELINE gOROTHY (Babs) MARTIN, of ayview. are invited to attend her funeral service to be held at Rookwood Crematorium, on Thursday next (May 27.

1993). appointed to commence at 12 noon Please meet at the crematorium. GREGORY and CARR. MONA VALE- HEAD OFFICE. A W.

498 445S. P.F.D.I. MASKELL. Relatives and friends of the late ERNEST BROOKS MASKELL. of Bondi.

are invited to attend his funeral service to be held in our chapel. 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra (opposite Denison Street), tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at 11 30 a m. WALTER CARTER Pty Ltd. 302 Oxford Street.

Woollahra. (02) 389 3499. A F.D A. MCCARTHY. Reouiem Mass for the repose ot the soul of MARY EDITH MCCARTHY will be celebrated at St Martin Oe Porres Shurch.

149 Prahran Avenue, avid son. tomorrow (Wednesday May 26. 1993) at 10 am After the Mass. the cortege will proceed to the Northern Suburbs Crematonum. T.

J. ANDREWS. RYOE 807 2732. NEWTOWN AUBURN 512873 AF.D A 649 7850 McOONNELL. Mass of Christian Burial for Mrs MARY Josephine McDonnell, of Epptng.

will be celebrated in the Church of Our Ladv Help of Christians. Oxford Street. Eppmg. on Thursday (May 27 1993). commencing at 10 am.

The funeral will leave the church at the conclusion of the Mass tor the Northern Suburbs Lawn Cemetery. No flowers by reauest. donations to Cancer Research Oncology Department CA Royal North Shore Hospital. North Sydney. W.


The relatives and friends of the late CECIL ALEXANDER McGLASHAN. of Bom bo. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be neia at tne Lakeside Memonai Park Crematonum Kanahooka Road. Daoto. on Thursday (May 99.3).

commencing at z. m. Please assemble at the Cremato num Chapel STAN CRAPP FUNERALS PL. mama Phone (04Z) 32 2371 McGRATH. The relatives and friends of the late PHILOMENA (Dolyy) McGRATH.

formerly of Back Trundle Road. Parkes. are respectfully invited to attend her funeral which will leave the Holy Family Catholic Church. Parkes. at 1 1 am on Wednesday.

for interment in the lawn portion of the Parkes cemetery. T. co*ck SONS Funeral Directors. Parkes Phone (066) 62 2233 McLENNAN. The relatives and fnends of the late DOROTHY McLENNAN.

of Abbotsford. are invited to attend her funeral to be held in the chapel of the Woronora crematonum. trus oay (Tuesday), or a vers commencing 12.30 D.m. Please meet at the crematorium bv 1Z.20 pm. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS.

SERVING SYDNEY. FIVE DOCK. 713 1911 MINTER. The relatives and mends or the late mervyn MINTER. of Greenwich, are invited to attend rns funeral to be held in the East Chapel of the Norrnern suburbs crematorium tomorrow (Wednesday), service commencing at 2 40 p.m.

Please meet at the crematorium ov pm. Bv reauest no flowers, dona tions in lieu to Leukaemia Kesearen. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. SERVING SYDNEY. FIVE DOCK 713 1911 MOON.

The relatives and friends of the late DOROTHY LOUISE MOON fnrm.Hu nl Zetland, are invited to attend her funeral service to be held in a chapel of the Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park Crematonum. on Wednesday (May 26. 1993) at 1 1 45 am. Please assemble at the cremato num BOLAND FUNERAL HOMES AFO A 553 8560. 5198272.

314 2778 MOORE. The relatives and friends of the late MARION SHAW MOORE, of Concord West, are invited to attend her funeral to be held in the chapel of tne Kookwood Gardens crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday), service commeneina at 1 0 a Please meet at the crematonum ov 9 5U am. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. SERVING SYDNEY. FIVE DOCK.

713 1911 MORAN. The relatives and fnends Of MICHAEL RODNEY MORAN. of Cooks Hill. Newcastle and formerly of Armtdale. are respectfully invited to attend his graveside funeral service to be neia at tne seventn uay Adventist Cemetery.

Armadale, commencing at 10.30 am. tomorrow (Wednesday. May 2b). Service will follow the interment at the A Church Armtdale. commencing at il ia am.

PIDDINGTON'S A FDA (OP 7) 72 22B8. ARMIDALE MOYLE. Relatives and fnends of ScARLE EDWARD (Bill) MOYLE are respectfully invited to attend has funeral service, to be held in the Drysdale Chapel. Noosa-Coo-rov Road. Tewantin.

at 3 pm Wednesday (Mav 26. 1993) No flowers by reauest. donations to Huntington Disease Association appreciated. tu oanour afreet. Newfarm.

6 Id. 4005 DKYaUAlt FUNERALS. Noosa (074)49 9383 MURPHY. The relatives and friends or tne late RONALD SAUTELLE MURPHY, are invited to attend his funeral service to be conducted in the Baptist Church. 375 Kingswav.

Caringbah. tomor row (Wednesday. May 2b. 1993), commencing at 10 15 a m. Following the service the cor.

teoe will proceed to the Woronora crematorium. H. N. OLSEN FUNERALS. Sutherland.

545 3477. A FDA 545 3477 MURPHY. Officers and mem bers of cronulla R.s.L- Sub-Branch and Memorial Club are invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member. RONALD MURPHY. See family notice for funeral arrangements D.

RYRIE, Pres. Sub-Branch D. YORK. Pres. Memonai Club.

MURPHY. The relatives and fnends of the late ROSEMARY DIANNE MURPHY are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held Thursday (Mav 27. 1993) at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Camden Valley Way. Lepoington.

service to commence at 10 a.m. Please assemble at cemetery office. MACARTHUR DISTRICT FUNERALS AF.D. 606 5648. MUSGRAVE.

Executives and members or Merryianos Kit Club Limited are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service of their late esteemed member. JOHN THOMAS MUSGRAVE. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in the Holy Family Catholic Church. The Tron-gate. East Granville, on Wednesday (May 26).

commencing at 9 10 a m. At conclusion of Mass the funeral will leave for the Circle Lawn. Rookwood Catholic Ceme HAWKINS. President. B.

MILLER. SecManager. MYERS. The relatives and fnenas of tne late kelven HENRY MYERS are kindly invited to atteno his funeral service, to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26.

1993) in tne crematorium chapel at Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western HiQhwav. Eastern Creek. service to commence at 12.30 m. Please meet at chapel.

SYDNEY FUNERAL SERVICES. AF.D. MINCHINBURY 625 8500 PENRITH (047)21 5399 'REGAN. Reouiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Miss ELLA MARGARET REGAN, of Manly, will be celebrated in Mary Immaculate Church. Whistler Street.

Manly, on Thursday (May 27. 1 993). commencing at 10 a m. At the conclusion of the Mass the funeral will leave the church for the Kookwood catholic cemetery. W.


The relatives and friends of tne late HAZEL ENID PARKINS are respectfully invited to attend her funeral service, to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1993) in a chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, commencing at 10.20 a.m. Please meet at the crematorium. MOTOR FUNERALS.

4 East Parade. EASTWOOD. 874 1955 AFO PIERSON. Michael and Virginia Pierson invite their relatives and friends to attend a memonai service for their late dearly loved baby son. SEAN PATRICK EDWARD, to be held at St Giles Presbyterian Church.

Park Road. Hurstvilie. on Wednesday (Mav 26. 1 993). commencing at 2 p.m..

after a pnvate cremation at Woronora. No flowers bv reauest. donations may be sent to S.I.D S. HN OLSEN FUNERALS. Hurstvilie.

5806030 AF.D.A S806030 PROOPS. Relatives and fnends are invited to attend a Police Funeral for the late Sergeant JOHN SIDNEY PROOPS of Lucas Heights, to be held at St. Pauls Anglican Church. rough-ton Place. Lucas Heights, tomorrow (Wednesday).

service appointed to commence at 1 0 am. At the conclusion of the service the cortege will leave for the Woronora Crematorium. WILLIAM LEE SONS FIVE DOCK. 712 5388 ROBINSON. The relatives and fnenas ot the late JOHN CECIL ROBINSON are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held Wednesday (May 26.

1 993) in the Crematonum Chapel at Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek, service to commence at 2 p.m. TIMMINS. METCALFE MORRIS.

25 ARGYLE STREET. PARRAMATTA AFO. 687 2600. ROLPH. The relatives and friends or the late CLIFFORD WESLEY ROLPH are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held within the West Chapel of the Woronora Crematonum.

tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at 1 1 30 a m. Please meet at the crematorium In lieu of flowers, donations to the Calvary Hospital. SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS. ALL SUBURBS. 5296615 ANTHES.

The relatives and friends of the late JOEL ANTHES. ot Wentworthville. are invited to atteno rns funeral service on Thursday next (May 27. 1 993) at 1 1 30 am. in the Main Chapei at Pine Grove Crematorium.

Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek Relatives and friends please meet at crematorium at 1 1 a.m. ANDREWS Inc Hilton. AUBURN. 649 7650.

NEWTOWN RYDE SI 2873. A. A. 807 2732. ARSCOTT.

The relatives and fnends of the late EBENEZER JAMES ARSCOTT are invited to attend his cremation service, to be conducted in tne outn cnapei of Woronore Crematorium. Sutherland, tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1993). commencing at 3 30 pm.

Pleas meet at the crernafornjm HARDY 13 The Seven Ways. Rockdale. 5 994400. AF.O. NTw BALL.

The relatives and friends ot the late UJ AN IT A MARCELLA (June) BALL are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. Mav 26. 1993) in St Paul's Anglican Church. Short Street. Emu Plains, service to commence at 3 p.m.

At the conclusion of service, an Interment writ take place in the adjoining cemetery. SYDNEY FUNERAL SERVICES. A.D. MINCHINBURY 625 85 OO PENRITH (047)2 15399 BALLARD. Prayers for the repose of the soul of the late JOHN VINCENT BALLARD, of Bateau Bay and formerly of Coolah.

will be said at Our Ladv of the Rosary Catholic Church. The Entrance Road. The entrance, tomorrow (Wednesday May 26. 1 993). commencing at 2 o.m.

At the conclusion of prayers, the cortege will proceed to Palmdale crematonum. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS. THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA. Enna. (043) 65 2333 BAPTIST.

The relatives and friends of the late Mrs. MARGARET ELIZABETH BAPTIST, of Clovellv. are invited to attend her funeral service to be held tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3 om in a chapel of the Eastern Suburbs crematorium. Please meet at the crematorium BO LAND FUNERAL HOMES AF.O.A 553 8560. SI 9 8272.

314 2778 BEATTIE. The relatives and friends of the late JAMES rKANK (f-rank) btAII It are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted in Olsen's Chapel, corner Princes Highway ano loronto paraoe. Sutherland on Thursday (May 27. 1993). commencina at 1 0 a Following the service the cortege will proceed to the Woronora Lawn cemetery.

H. N. OLSEN FUNERALS. Sutherland. 545 3477.

AF.O A S45 3477 BOLTON. The relatives, and fnends of the late DAPHNE EILEEN BOLTON, of Concord, are invited to attend her funeral to be held in our funeral home, corner Barnstaple and Great North Roads. Five Dock, tomorrow (Wednesday). service appointed to commence at 1 On conclusion the funeral will leave for the waveney cemetery, St. Thomas Street.


The relatives and fnends of the late ELSIE IRIS JANE BOWTELL are invited to atteno ner rurterai service, to oe held at the Innes Gardens Crematorium. Port Macguarie. on Wednesday (Mav 26. 1993). commencing at if am ROBERT B.

WALKER FUNERALS. KEMPS EY. Phone (065) 62 4329 CARSON. The relatives and friends of the late JACK ALLAN CARSON are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the Pine Grove Chapel. Great West ern Highway.

Eastern creek tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12 noon. At the conclusion of the service the interment will take place within Pine Grove Memorial Park. No flowers bv reauest. CHRISTOPHER TIMMINS. Funeral Director 2 Fennell Street.

PAR RAM ATT A. 6306607 CASSELL- The relatives and inenas or ine late WILLIAM HENRY CASSELL are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held Thursday (Mav 27. 1993) In the Crematorium Chapel at Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek, service to commence at 12 noon.


687 i V0. CHIVE RS. The relatives and fnends or the late REGINALD OWEN CHIVERS are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held Wednesday (Mav 26. 1993) the Crematorium Chapei at Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway.

Eastern Creek, service to commence at 3 p.m. TIMMINS. METCALFE MORRIS. 25 ARGYLE STREET. PARRAMATTA A 687 2600 CLOUGH.

The members of the Clovellv and Air Force Club Limited are invited to attend the funeral service of their late esteemed member. SHEILA MARY CLOUGH. to be con-ducted at the Sacred Heart Church. Avoca Street. Randwick at 10 45 a.m.

on Tuesday (Mav 25. 1993) A HATTON. President. A. BATT.

Vice President COLEMAN. The relatives and fnends of the late JOHN NORMAN COLEMAN, of Dac- T'yville. are invited to attend his uneral to be held in the chapel of the Rook wood Gardens Cremato-num. tomorrow (Wednesday), service commencing at 9 am. Please meet at the crematorium bv 8.50 a m.


The relatives and frirwl ot tty late CHAKLfcs GEORGE COMINO. of Clovellv. are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service to be held at St. Spyndon Greek Orthodox Church. 78 Gardeners Road.

Kingsford. Thursday next (May 27. 1993). appointed to commence at 1 p.m. At the conclusion of the service, the cortege will proceed to the Greek Orthodox fawn section of the Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park Cemetery.

Matraviiie. No flowers by reauest. in lieu donations would be appreciated to the Cainperdown Childnen Hospital for Medical Research. JOSEPH MEDCALF. INCE 1880 REOFERI BRANCH 698 26 44.

9Sla. COUSINS. The relatives and riends Of Mr KEITH HEDLEY COUSINS are invited tc attend his funeral service to be held at St Alovsius College Chapel Upper Pitt Street. Mil-sons Pomt. today (Tuesday.

May 199J) at ou am. Following the service, the cor tege will leave for the Northern Suburbs General Lawn cemetery KENNETH MAURER FUNERALS. NORTH SYDNEY 955 1510 955 5813 A A. COX. The relatives and fnends of the late MONA AUSTRAL COX are invited to attend her funeral service to be held tomorrow (Wednesday.

May 26. 1993). commencing at 3 30 pm in the chapei at Castlebrook Crematorium. Rouse Hill. ALLAN DREW FUNERAL DIRECTOR Member A A Castle Hril 6801344 CRISPO.

The relatives and fnends of the late GLENN MAIT-LANO CRISPO are kindly invited to attend his funeral service, to be held within the West Chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, tomorrow (Wednesday), commencing at 11 a.m. Please meet at thecrernatorium SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS. ALL SUBURBS. 529661S MOORE. M.S.











arfford Wesley. Mav 22. 1993. late of peaknurst. beloved husband ot Betty, loving father of Mark, son of Dorothy and William, brother and brother-in-law of Jan and Andy.

Lyn and John and their families. Aged 54 years Loved and always remembered. ROSARIO. Gerald Rupert. May 21.

1993. late of Rvdalmere. beloved husband of Hazel, loved father of Rodney. Maxwell. Geoffrey and Carol-Ann.

ROSS, PhHHp HarcaurL May 20. 1 993 (suddenly) at hospital, late of Bradbury, dearly beloved husband of Beatrice, loved father and father-in-law of Kemn and Bron-wvn. loving grandfather of Aaron and Sheridan. We are all thinking of him. Aged 69 years May you rest forever ROSS, Roy Keith.

May 21 1993 at Wyong. late ot Noravilie. formerly of Condell Park and Lithgow. sadly missed by Sid Beverley. Sharon John and baby iacinda.

aad 70 vears Funeral at Lithgow on Thursday at if am. SEAMAN. Frederick I. May 24. 1993.

dearly loved husband of Marge and father of Kay. Anne and Lvnne. dear "fuss" of his grandchildren and great- grandchild. You will remain in our hearts forever. STEEL, Lorraine Mary.

May 23 1993. late of Pendle Hill, dearly loved wife of Jack (deceased), loving mother of Sue. Sherrv Debbie and Karen, grandmother of Jason. Katrina. Tracev.

Jade and Reece and loving sister of the Robertson clan. Aged 66 years. Please see Thursday's Herald for funeral notice. STEWART. Thomas Augustine Georoe.

Mav 22. 1993. late of Lalor Park, fond and loving father Of uavio. Lesne. Leora.

jonn. Kerry and Shane, fondly remembered bv all of his family, loved brother of Frank. Gladys. Mane and Linme. Aged 66 years.

Who has now joined his wife Eunice in God's care. STONE, Dorothy GouM. Mav 21. 1993. at Chatswood.

loved mother of Louise. Helen and Jim and much loved grandmother ot Robert. Stewart. Merren. Scott.

Roger. Peter. James. David. Pha- nppa and Sophie STUDDERT.

Ronald Pam son. Mav 21. 1993. of Clontarf and Baigowlah. loving husband of the late Una Studdert.

loved father and father-in-law of Pat and Keith. Colin and Norma and Peter and Sheila, adored pa of their respective families and beloved brother of Nance and family SULLIVAN. Muriel Ruth (Bub). May 24. 1993.

late of Bronte dearly beloved wife of Ernest, loving mother and mother-in-law of Warren and Manlyn. beloved nan of Philip. Katherine and Samantha. At rest. VINE.

Gwendoline May. May 21. 1993. late of "Stonehaven Tulloona Avenue. Bowral.

retired weaver at Sturt. Notice in lieu of funeral service. Her friends are invited to a gathering to say farewell at Beavan's Funeral Chapel, 34 Station Street, Bowral, at 11 a on Thursday May 27. 1993). WELLS.

Stanley Tucker. May 23. 1993 (peacefully) in his sleep, beloved husband of Thelma and father ot Roderick and Martin (deceased), brother of Dons and Joyce. Aged 82 years. Rest peace For funeral details, please watch these columns daily.

WILKINSON. Beryl loan (nee Bennett). May 24. 1 993. late of Sans Souci.

loving wife of Richard, devoted mother and mother-in-law of Russell. Susan and Ron and grandmother to Matthew. Benjamin. Richard and Dan. iel Dearly loved by all who knew her Please see Wednesday's Herald for funeral notice.

WILLIAMS. Joan Susan. May 23. 1993. late of Maroubra.

sadlv missed by all her family and many friends. Rest in peace. WILSON. Grace Eileen. May 23.

1993 (peacefully) at John Paul Village. Heathcote. late of Gymea and formerly ot Kensington, loved wife of Bill (deceased), much loved mother and mother-in-law ot Alan and Emily. Brian and Lvnette. Bob and Margaret, darling nanna to her precious grandchildren and great-grandchildren and dearly loved by her surviving sister.

Rita. Aged 88 years. Heaven will be richer for the presence of her soul. WINS. lofMi Dentils Mav 21.

1993. at hosoital. of 1-240 Brisbane street. Duooo. loved father of Patricia.

John and Margaret and fond brother of Evie. Blanch and May. Aged 82 vears. WOODS. Elizabeth MargaraL Mav 23.

1 993. late of Wavertev. beloved wife of the late Howie Woods, loved mother of Clair i deceased), loved grandmother of and great-grandmother of Shaun Aged 94 years. Always loved and remembered. WRIGHT.

Cadi Joseph James. May 22. 1993. at nursing home. Wyoming, late of Wov Wov.

beloved husband of Mane, loving father of Pam Christine. Manlyn. Tony and Stephen, a loved father-in-law and dear grandfather of Danielle. DavadT Cathy. Brian.

Sharon. Christine Deborah. Wayne. Tracy and Sharon and great-grandfather of Jane Elizabeth. Brie.

Chloe. Alecia. Tenae and Jaime-Lee. WRIGHT, Eric Lvte. May 23.

1993 (after a long illness! late of Yowie Bay. formerly of Brewar-nna. beloved husband of Betty Alice (Peta). At peace. WRIGHT.

Vera Lillian. Mav 23. 1 993. at Westmead Hospital, late of 31 Willow Drive. Baulkham Hills, loved and loving wife and mother of Walter (Wally).

Reg and Janet Wright. Nola and Reg Brooks. Judith and Hugh Kerrigan and Pamela Wyber. loved nn to fifteen grandchildren. Cherylyn.

Barry. Karen. Neville. Anthony. Kerry.

Keith. Peter. Dennis. Andrew. Michelle.

Glenn. Rodney. Bradley and Cassanndra. loving great-nana to her twentv-iwo Rreat-grandchildren. sister of larjie Clem (deceased).

Norman and Walter, aged 62 years. Much loved, sadlv missed. Rest in peace For funeral particulars watch funeral notices. FUNERALS ANDERSON. The relatives and friends of the late ERIC GLADSTONE ANDERSON ere invited fo attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel of the Forest Vawn Crematorium.

Lepoington. hursday next (Mav 27. 1 993) at 1 1 30 am Please meet at the crematorium METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY. A D. BANKSTOWN 709 5044 ANDERSON.

The relatives and friends of the late JOHN ROBERT (Bob) ANDERSON, of Kensing ton. are kindly invited to attend his funeral service to be held tomorrow (Wednesday. May 26. 1993). at the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium Military Road.

Matraviiie. appointed to commence at 215 Please meet at the chapel No flowers by request, donations to the Cancer Research Foundation. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS. THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA RandwiCk. 314 51 S3 BIRTHS HCININCER.

Fv and Pete arc ecsatic birth of their first dauehter T-. (Alace Elizabeth), at Kino Georoe V. on May 21.1 993 Hjv to the dedicated tCGV SUIf-Onward and upward BIRTHDAY GREETINGS VOTE. William Ttomji Haoov birthday." love always Belinda. DEATHS ANDERSON.

Eric Gladstone. May 24. 1993. at rns residence B'rrong. dearly loved husband Mavis, loved father of Julie Rosemary.

Jamne. Oebra and David and loved father-in-law and grandfather of. their families. Aged 74 years At rest AMTHCS. oL May 22.

1993 result of car accident), of Went-worrhville loving son of Oavid and Sue. loved brother of Michael. Lvnette. Latasha and Traleena and Marie and loving partner of Jodie, aged 19. ARMYTAGC, Allan Mortimer.

May 2D. 1 993. of Mosnun. SVtvately cremated. BALL, luanita Marc all a (June).

May 2Jw 1993 (suddenly). ate of Penrith and formerly of Guild ford, dearly loved mother and mctner. in-law of Lvnette and Geoffrey Kohlenberg, loving nan O-vid. Brett and Rodney. Anna a-d Natalie loved sister of Frank She Mill be sadly missed by all her relatives and friends.

BALLARD. John Vincent, May av 1 9r j. at hospital late ot Raw anil fnmwrlv of CboUh NSW. sadly missed by lis family and friends. BAPTIST.

Margaret Elizabeth. IV1.W 2 A iqqt al hntmul latent C'oveiiy. dearly loved by all her eanr-'tv and will be sadly missed Reauiescat in pace. BARNES. CaUM-vn Iw.

May 21 1'j33. late ot 4 Crestview Crescent. Hiohfietds Old 4S32. beloved wife of Rod and much loved mother of Naomi. Timothy.

Gareth and Megan, loved daughter of Ivy and the late James Mahoney. loved sister of Janet and James and loved stster and sisttr-in-law to their families. Aged 44 years. Burstow Funerals. Tocwoomba, 076) 32 1754 BATES, Doris Madge Rose.

May i 1 993 in loving memory or Dons, good friend of Frederick George Adams. Hefltem. Sydney Gone but never forgotten. I BEATTIE. lames Frank Frank).

May 22. 1993. at home, late of Bundeena. formerly, of fiurstviiie. loving husband of loan, father and rather-tn-iaw-or fames ano Christine, grandfather of Sam.

Saskia. Elise and CXhna. Agrd 63 years Sadly missed and loved by all BIRT. Stanhen Terence (Steve). May 23 1 993 at Brisbane, much loved son of Peg and ooroon.

ot Valentine, dearly loved brother of Hicnard. David, anas pam. Rest in -oeace. For funeral particulars please watch lunerai columns. BIRT, Staph Terence (Steve).

May 2 3. 1993. in Brisbane. The Board of Directors and Staff of Education Credit Union Co-oo-erative Limited mourn with deeo regret the- sudden passing of a resoected.Vceiieague and friend who was committed to credit union philosoohy. Steve gave generously has.

time to the credit union movement, both In Australia and abroad. Deeoest sympathy to his family and colleagues at 5 Teaacners creon union AIM CHu citen. Mav 24 1993 (Peacefully), late of Strath-f ield loved wife of 1an (deceased). loving mother and mother-in-law of Helen and Peter. Norma and Colin.

John. Erie and Hazel and loving grandma of their cruKjren aocs. a ears. At peace For funeral particulars see Wednesday rteraio. MVAal rn.

wa. a wnm 23. 1 993, tale of Concord, much loved mother and mother-in-law of Caroline and Kevin. Graeme and Maureen, loved grandmother of their families end loving aunt of Kevin ano Nancy. Aged 7 years.

Al peace BORECKL DavtcU May 24. 1 993. beloved son of Oscar and Adete. loved brother and brother-in-law of Monica ahd Danny. Erie and Alita, uncle of Jonathan Olivia ind (Jiva.

loved grandson of Sally. He will be sadly and forever missed by, has. relatives and For funeral details, please watch these columns or phone 363 2248 after 9.30 a-m. BOWTELL. Elsie Iris Jane.

May 22. 1 993. late of Crescent Head and formerly of Fairfield, beloved wife of Bert (deceased) and loved mother of Iris and Eiame and fond grandmother' and great-grandmother of "their families. At BRITTEN, Christopher Barton. May.

1993. dearly loved husband of Joan, father of Philip. Christopher and Susan, Private cremation. At home, to visitors 3.30 p.m. CAMPBELL Robert Cordon (known as Gordon).

May 23. 1 993 late ol Long Jetty, formerly of Crovdoni dearly beloved husband of Maureen Florence (deceased): --loved father and father-in-law ot Douglas and Marianne. Colin and Sue and Ann. dear grandpa of Casey. Lisa.

Aiden and Mitchell, loved brother of' Ken and Jean. Aged -74 years, at peace. CARSON. Jack Allan. May 21.

1.993. loving husband of lean, loving Tathe'r of Kevin. Ray. Keith. Jack.

Grilvim Walter. Lyn and Vic loving brother of Joy. Wal and Vic loving brother-in-law of Bill. Joan and Oat. loving grandfather to his 13 grandchildren and loving great-grandfather to his 8 greatgrandchildren.

CASS ELL. William Henry. Mav 22C. I 993- (suddenly), late of Parramatta. dearly beloved husband of-the late Kath.

much loved brother and brother-in-law of Eileen and their families Now at rest with the one he loved CHALMERS. Mavis Joyce. Mav 1 9. 1 993. of Lane Cove, loved wife of the late John Chalmers, loving mother and mother-in-law of Ian and Brenda.

devoted grandmother ot Jamie and Joshua and oved sister of Jewel Wilson. Privately cremated. CHAMBERLAIN. Janet Robin Boyd. Mav 24.

1993 (peace-' fully) at Cabrini Hospital. Melbourne, dearly beloved wife of Ron. n-ueh loved mother of Dim-" rtv -Priscilla and Felicity and mother-in-law of Mark, loving Pob'son (both deceased), loved sister or juav. Aaeo so years. fn Gods caring hands.

CHCDZEV. Robert ReamaM (Bob). Mw 24. 1993. at Nowra.

late of Vtncentia and Werrington. dearly beloved husband of Mary (deceased), loving father and lathevn-iaw of Kay and John, dear gramps of Richard and John ana cneir aamiiaa-s. Aad At wart For funeral details Wray Owen. Nowra. (044) 23 2333.

COMINO. Charles George. May 22. 1993 (peacefully) at hospital late of Clovellv. fond husband of Beneta.

loving father and father-in-law of George, Peter and Carol. Jeffrey and Robyne. fond and loving grandfather of Stephanie. Christina and Christopher, loving brother and brother-in-law of Anne and Kos. Angelo and Betty.

Matina. Mary ano Jim. Charles will be sadly missed bv has children, family, relatives and friends. Aged 75 years. May his memory be eternal.

CRISPO. Glenn Marti and. May 23.1 993. late of Bundeena. lovmg brother of James and Norman (both deceased).

Gwen and Lorrva. Aged 84 years Loved and leiiiembered always. Di NICOLA. Ajaassandro. Mav 22.

1993. late ot Leichhardt. beloved husband of Rosa, loving father and father-in-law of Mau-rio and Margaret. Bruno and Karen, cherished noflno of Kath-rvn. Mark and Mat.

thew. Aged 65 years In God hands and in our hearts. DEATHS tiUNCAM. Rosemary Claire. i May 23.

1993. at Royal Pnnce Alfred i-tosouai. late of oieoe dearly loved daughter of Bruce (deceased) and Joan fond stepdaughter of Gordon Payne, loved sister and sister-in-law of Darvl Ian and Fay. fond aunt of Bruce and Alan. FLEMING.

WllUam MtcKaeL May late ot nntrn beloved brother of Mary. Eileen and Joyce and devoted uncle. Aged 67 years In God's keeping. FOSTER. Thomas Christopher (Tom).

May ii. 199.. passed away at Brisbane Dearly beloved father of Colleen. Pauline. Terry and dearly beloved brother of Bill.

Des (deceased). Molly (deceased). Frank (deceased), beloved father-in-law. grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle of their families Skinners Funerals Ph (07) 273 4568 GARCIA. Sue.

May 2 1 1 993. to Mike and family, our tnougnts are with you Sincerest condolences from everyone at Philippine Airlines Australia. GOFF. Kathleen May. May 24 1 993.

late of Merryiartds. beloved wife of the late Henry Goff loved mother of Robert (deceased), loved sister of Joyce and Doug, fond sister-in-faw of George. Daph. Ray. Ken.

Joan. Joyce. Edna Mollie. Val and Doreen and sadly missed bv other members of her family. Aged 75 years GOODWIN.

Dorothy Jean (Jeanie). May 20. 1 993. fate of Noravilie. beloved wife of Ray (oeceaseo).

loved sister of Amy Ken and their families. Aged 69 years Sadly missed bv all. WILLIAM. Malcolm Ross. Mav 20.

1 993. late of Pennant hhis. dearly loved husband of Phyllis, loved father of Christine and Malcolm, fond father-in-law of Peter. Launanne and beloved grandfather of Melissa. Adam.

Micnaeii. pavid and Owen. Aged 73 years Privately cremated. (HALFPENNY. Dulcie Lachlan.

Mav 23 1993. at nursina home Bowral. late of Moorebank. dearly beloved wife of the late Victor Charles Halfpenny, loved mother of Victor (John) and Russell, sadly missed ov their wives ano resoec tive families, beloved sister of Jack (deceased), uoreen. Glad.

Laurie. Myrtle and Dorothy. HARCOURT. Russell Owen. May 44.

1 993. at nospttai. late of Concord, dearly loved husband of loan and loved son of carteen much loved father and father-in-law of Deborah and Tony. Richard and Kathy, Tanya and Steven and dearest poo of ineir children, brother of f-rank At rest. MASKEW.

Walter Cecil. Ma 23 i 1993. late of Campbelltown. beloved husband ot Ethel (deceased), loved father of Len and Jill. Kevin and Anne.

Malcolm ano Bob ano Helen, loved grandfather and great-grandfath- eir of their families, loved brother of Dorothy. Will be sadly missed by his family ano rrienos. Aged 88 years. Rest in peace. HEARD.

Louisa Florence. May 24. 1993Tof West Ryde. loving wife of i-reoencK toeceaseo). beloved mother of Fred Grace Ellen.

Joyce. Doreen. Bruce. James ano Neison ana sister of Alice Aged 90 years. HENDERSON.

Beryl Marion (Bonnie). May 24. 1993 (suddenly, after a short illness), toving mother to Barry and Bill, mother-in-law to Jan and Catherine, sadly missed bv her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, sister of Doris. Kita ano iteve Aged 79 years. At peace.

HERMES. Loris Yvonne Mary. Mav 22. 1993. late of Belrose daughter of Alfred Eugene and Flora Beatrice (both deceased) Sister, sister-in-law of Stuart and Jo.

Carmen Campbell. Marcine- Hemswortn and their famines. HIGLEV. Charles Robert. Mav 24.

1993. at hospital, late of Malabar, dearly loved husband of Joan (oeceased). beloved father of Peggy and Ronald (both deceased). Judith. Roovn ano Peter, devoted poo to rns grand children and his great-grandchil dren Aged 87 years For funeral particulars please watcn these columns.

HUL8ERT. Norman William. May 20. 1993. at has home Tanglev'.

Woodhouselee Road via Goulburn. much loved husband of Meg. loved father of Peter. Penny ana Aiex. Ageo es years.

JACKSON, Vera Margaret (Aunt). Mav 23. 1993. at hospital, late of Mt Colah. loving sister of June and loving aunt of Menlyn.

Graham. June and Jan and their families. Aged 8S years. In God care. JANNAR.

Eric Wilfred. Ma 2 1 1993 (suddenly), late of Canyon Leigh, formerly of Roselands. beloved husband of Bonnie, loving father and father-in-law ot Carol and John. Stephen and Pam. Brett and Karen and much loved chief of their children, loving son of Alice and William loving oroiner or Kevmona.

Ageo 1 years. At rest. I ONES William Eatward fftUTl- May 23. 1993. at Long jetty i-iosoitai.

late of ine entrance dearly beloved husband of Vera Phyllis, loving and much loved father ot peter and Susan father-in-law to Alison arandfa- ther of Tracy. Mark. Kelly and Serena. Aged 86 years Will be sadlv missed Rest at peace in God's loving care. KATER.

John Bayley DarvaH. Mav 21. 1993. of Dubbo. beloved husband of Nancy (deceased), loving father of Barbara (deceased).

Judith. Phoebe and Malcolm, loved grandfather and great-grandfather of their children, fond brother ot his twin Mary and Jean Aged 85 years. KIELV. Patricia Claudia. Mav 23 1993 (peacefully) at hospital, late of Cronulla.

beloved sister and sister-in-law to Claire. Josephine (deceased). Dorotny ano ieo loved aunt of Chris. Jo-Anne Kelvin. Jeff and Cass and their famines.

Aged 66 years. At Mac with God Please watch these columns for funeral notice. KIR BY. Auhrev Daniel. Mav 24 1993.

late ot Katoomba. beloved husband of veronica (deceased), dearly loved father to his children, grandfather and great-grandfather their families. Aged 99 years. Rest in peace. KNIGHT.

Julie-Anne. Mav 22. 1 993. late Of tsenksiown. previously of Taree.

dearly loved avantrwr at Grace and sister Of Bill. much loved daughter of Laurin and Bill 1 nwtaxal remembered Watch these columns lor funeral details. LAMBERT. WHtiam Maior. May 1 99.3 ipeaceiunvj ea wwnai.

laiT gi meiiiia'w. 1 beloved husband of Noia. beloved father and father-in-law ot Craig and Barbara. Brad and Lindv. loved grandfather of Luke.

Kirsty and Scott, youngest brother of Uiraf. COOie. cucxn aainj wiww Proud of you. missed by all. love you forever.

LAMBERT. WIHiam Maior. May 1993 You leave a trail of memories (hat wind back through tne years, and we will keep our memories. Till the end of time Farewell BiHv. your lifelong maie.

ieo. urn ano family. LANE. Norman AaMustus. Mav 24.

1 993 (suddenly) at home, late of Panama, dearly beloved husband of Ethel Mary, loving father of luditn. Maureen ana Aarian father-in-law of John and Barry, dearest nonov of Rob. Gavin. Vanessa. Chris.

Philip and David. dear brotner Of rns family. Raxt an raeace Please watch these columns for funeral details. LOCH LIN, Rut EMe Joyce. Mav 20.

1993. late of Kingsgrove. beloved wife of Arthur (deceased), loved sister of Herb. Jack (da ceased). Ematy and Vera loeceaaeoj nesi an DEATHS MAIL, Rupert John.

May 23, 1 993. dearly beloved nutoano of Edna, much loved father and father-in-law of Allan and Jill. Jennifer and Don. Roger and Pamela and loving grandad of Fiona. Emma.

Alexandra. Meredith. Thea. Elizabeth. Melanie.

Christopher. Katharine and Jeffrey. Aged 84 years. ALLIN SON, Henry Joseph. May 23.

1993 (peacefully) at hosoital. late of Croydon Park, loving husband of Vera, loving father of Geoffrey. Dennis. Clifford. Lionet (deceased) and Vtcfci.

loving father-in-law of Barbara. Lorraine. Helen and Cheryl and special poppy of has IS grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren and loving brother of Marge and Cath. brother-in-law of Cobler and uncle to his nieces and nephews Aged 78 years Perfect husband, father and poppy Our darling rest in peace MARTIN. Adeline Dorothy (Babs).

May 24. 1993. at Bawiew. formerly of Riverwood. dearly beloved wife of Jack (deceased) loving mother of Dan.

Karen. Lauren. Gceg. Gailyn. Brad.

Kathy and Mike. MASKELL. Ernest Brooks. Mav 23. 1993.

late of Bondi. dearly loved husband of Bertha, loved father and father-in-law of Ernest (deceased). John and Wendy. Margaret (deceased). Maurice and Marlene.

William and Narelle. Robert and Michelle, loved grandfather and greatgrandfather of their families. Aged 85 years. At peace. MCCARTHY.

Mary Edith. Mav 22. 1993. late of Belrose. formerly of Mona Vale, beloved wife of Len (deceased), devoted mother and mother-in-law of Nancy (Sr.

Cecilia). Michael (deceased). Jo and George. Peter ano juue jonn toeceaseoj ano Chris, loving grandmother of Scott. Michael.

Chad. Craig Venessa. Cheree. Justine and Steven. Aged 65 years Dearly loved, sadly missed.

MCDONNELL, Mary Josephine. May 24. 1 993. of Eppmg. cher ished wife or jonn (deceased), revered mother and mother-in-law of John and Anne.

Robert and Noemi and fond grandmother ot Patrick and Jane Reauiescat in pace. McOONNELL. Mary Josephine. Mav 24. 1 993.

of Eooing. beloved daughter of Charles and Ellen Kauter (Aberdeen. both deceased), loved eldest sister of Joan Bowen (Muswellbrook). Michael and Patrick (Aberdeen. both deceased), sr.

Ursula R.S.J (Lochtnvar) and Margaret Com-ensoli (Towradgi). McGLASHAN. Cecil Alexander. May 24. 1993 (peacefully) at nursina home, of Martin Creek and Bom bo.

loving father of Cecil. aorai. Leonaro ana aanay. Aged 91 years. McGRATH.

Philomena (Doily). May 21. 1993. at Parkes. formerly of Back Trundle Road.

Parkes. beloved wife of the late Col McGrath. loved mother of John. Bernard. Mary Higgv Margaret.

Therese Sprat-ford! Patrick and Jacinta Chalmers and loved gran and great-grandmother of their children. Aged 63 years MINTER. Mervyn T. Mav 22. 1 993.

late of Greenwich, formerly of Yass. loving husband of Helen, dearly loved father of Graham and Deborah and dear pa to his grandchildren. Grateful thanks to Michael. Aged 76 years. At peace.

MOORE. Marlon Shaw. Mav 24 1 993. at hosoital. late of Concord West, dearly loved wife of George, dear daughter of Betty and George (deceased) paton.

loved sister of Sam. Madge and family and John. Angela and family Aged 50 years. Sadly missed. MOYLE.

Searie Edward (Bill). May 23. 1993 (peacefully), of Noosa. formerly of St. Ives, Sydney, loving husband of June, loving father ot Beverly and Theo Shaw.

Rhonda and Rowen Kelly. Michele and Stephen McMahon. loving poo or K.yne. Brooke. Alexis.

Jason and Amber. Aged 71 years MYERS. Kef ven Henry. May 23 1993 (Deacefullv) at nursina home, late of Glenbrook. dearly loved husband of Joy.

loving father and father-in-law of Lvnette and Reg. Gayleen. Craig and Cheryl, loved grandpa of Heidi. Israel and RacheL Ex Heavy Battery. Artillery Unit.

In God's loving care. Aged 72 years. -REGAN. Ella Margaret. Mav 24.

1993. at home, former Matron of at. Antnonys i-iome Cravdon. in tier 104th vear. Born to John and Catherine Kegan loom oeceaseoj at Gilmore.

via Tumut in 1889 Loved sister of Minnie. Alice. Dora. Clifford and John (all deceased), much loved aunt, great-aunt, great-great-aunt and great-great-great-aunt of their families, beloved "Aunt Ella" of Joan Knapp-Hunt and Bill Regan She will be sadly missed by those who loved her dearly, god children, cousins and her many mends. Reauiescat Hi pace.

OSWALD, Grace Ella Southgate (nee Smith). Mav 24. 1 Wollongong Hospital. of Towradgi Retirement Village, formerly of Lakemba and Ipswich England, dearly loved wife of Gordon (deceased). beloved mother and mother-in-law of Wendv and Sam Toombs.

Leone and Ted Ross, loved nana of Peter and Linda. Ian. Pauline. Stewart and Michelle, great-nana of Cameron. Hayley.

Brodv and Matthew, dear sister and sister-m-law of Stanley and Nancy. Audrey and Keith Muriel and Myrvin (all deceased) and Ins and Dick loved aunt of their families, daughter of William and Emily Southgate Smith (both deceased). Aged 84 years. Reunited with loved ones. In peace, perfect peace.

Please see tomorrow's Herald for funeral details. PARKINS. Hazel Enid. Mav 23 1993. late of Eastwood, dearly loved wife ot the late Thomas William Parkins, loved mother and mother-in-law of Jim and Mangold.

Pam and Arthur, loving Srandmother ot David. Helen, rett and Beniamm. Aged 85 years Endearing memories. PATFIELD. Heather Shirley.

Mav 20. 1993 (suddenly) at Royal North Shore Hosoital. late of Mosman. dearly beloved sister of Joyce. Beryl.

Jean and Neville, sister-in-law of Robin. Laurence and Joe and loving aunt of their families. A truly wonderful sister. Very, very sadly missed. Privately cremated.

PETERSEN. Victor George Fran. cis. Mav 24. 1 993.

passed away at hospital, late of Kurraiong. dearly loved husband ot Wiima. loving father of Ross and Krys Susan and Terry. Kathryn and Daniel and Helen, very loving grandad ot Prudence and Michal. fond brother of and Dorothy Aged 66 years.

Peace at last Please see Wednesday's Herald for funeral arrangements. PHILLIPS, Mary Josephine. Mav 22. 1993. peacefully at nursing home.

Hobart. beloved wife ot the late George Phillips and mother of Philomena Matthvsz. Rex (deceased) and Maunce A loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother. In God care 8 Nathan Street. Berriedale.

Tasmania. 701 1 PIERS Sean Patrick Edward. May 22. 1993. dearly loved baby son of Michael and Virginia, loved baby brother and best friend of Russell and Amelia, loved grandson of Mary and Edward Rowlands and Fred and Nancy Pier-son.

special great-grandson of aranny. greatly loved by rns uncles, aunts, cousins, fzreat-uav-ctes ane) great -aunts. CLASSIFIED COPY May be lodged by phoning: 2821122 At our offices: 285 George Street, Sydney 235 Jones Street, Broadway Cnr. George and Church Parramatta or by contacting your local Newsagent CLOSING TIMES Real Estate: Monday to Saturday Employment: Monday to Friday Saturday 3 5.30 p.m. day before publication 1 1 p.m..

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.