The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4. 9. 5 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1940 Nominated in Connecticut (Wide World l'hoto) New. Haven-Paul L. Cornell (right), Washington (Ct.) schoolmaster, who was named as candidate for the United States Senate at the Republican state.

convention here Tuesday, shown with Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin. They will run on the same ticket. CITES UNCERTAINTY SLOWING DEFENSE WORK OF INDUSTRY President of Revere Copper and Brass, Describes Perplexities Besetting Manufacturers "New York, Sept.

19- Copper and Brass, inc, said today the Donald Dallas, president of Revere lack of knowledge over future orders and mounting taxation were factors making for "uncertainty" which, is slowing up the defense program of the government. a "In order meet the emergency which began; with the outbreak of war last September," Dallas said in a statement, "Revere has appropriated in the last year Cover $1,500,000 for rounding out of plants and equipment. "We cannot take the business risk of going further than this because first. if we built a new plant it would not be in production a year, and we do not know whether at the end of that time we would have any orders for it or not; second, if we did have orders, we know in advance that profits made would be largely taken by taxes, and at the end of the emergency we might have to borrow money at the banks in order to pay for taxes, besides having a plant which was a white elephant on our hands. "It is this sort of uncertaihty that is slowing the defense program against the wishes of manufacturers who are anxious to in every wAY.

It appears altogether illogical on the face of things to risk delaying preparedness because of our cagerness to tax profts on armament and essential fabricated and semifabricated manufacturers when other manufacturers of nonessential products and luxuries report individual net earnings far larger than all the earnings of tho entire brass and copper fabricating industry or airplane Dallas denied that corporations. "armament or otherwise." were "bloodless automatons" and described them AS representing thousands of employes as well as thousands of stockholders who Are anxious to insure America's security and to perpetuate the American way of life." Principal plants of Revere are at Rome, N. Detroit. Baltimore, Chirago and Taunton, Mass. COMMITTEE APPROVES SIXTEEN ACRES SCHOOL Ant elementary school for" Sixteen Acres to cost approximately $32.000 was approved lust night by Councilman J.

Clifford Clarkson and Alderman Fred J. Brown of the city property committee. The third member of the board. Daniel, B. Brunton, who is currently at the Eastern States exposition.

will act on the matter this morning. Morris W. Maloney, architect, who had submitted tentative drawings for 1. low cost four-room school two weeks ago. appeared before the property committee last night with proposals for slight revisions that were suggested at: a conference with the school committee.

He reported that the school committee has given tentative approval of the project and will act officially when the working drawings are submitted. The city property committee voted to notify Mayor Putnam: of -its "approval. Any financial order to pay the costs of construction must originute -with the mayor. WILL GATHER DATA ON LOW-VALUE LAND To together data concerning low land on which the city holds tax liens for unpaid 1937 taxes. City Treasurer George W.

Rico. said planned to have. eillhis office dig into the records: of the assessors and. city collector. This procedure will he followed in accordance with instructions from Tax Commissioner Henry F.

Long. Mr Long. according to the city treasurer. has received assurances from title searchers all over the state that information concerning these low- value properties, if compiled and conveniently recorded, will be enough for. them to certify title to, the properties.

After the data is complied and before he files it in the registry of deeds with foreclosure. notices, Dr Rice will send it to Boston for Mr Long's, approval. CLAIMS AGAINST STATE BY CITY TO BE PRESSED The city property committee voted last night to request City Collector Munn to make an attempt to collect claims totaling $1990 incurred by the state during the March, 1036 flood. Expenditures were, incurred by the necessity of Axing over schools for housing refugees, In it letter to the committee, Mr Munn quoted. an opinion by City Solicitor James M.

Carroll which stated that there was no legal liability on the part of the state for the bills and that they were uncollectable. The property must abate these bills before: the matter can be dropped. 4. THE NEWS OF THE THEATERS 'Brigham Young' Starts Stay at Loew's Poli Jonathan Kent Tyrone Power Zina Webb Linda Darnell Brigham Young Dean Jagger Angus Duncan Brian Donlevy Eliza Kent Jane Darwell Porter Rockwell John Carradine Diary Ann Young Mary Astor Joseph Smith Vincent Price Clara: Young Jean. Rogers Mary Kent Ann Todd Heber Kimball Willard Robertson Doc Richards Moroni Olsen Prosecutor Lawrence Hyrum Smith Stanley Andrews Hubert Frank Thomas L'ete.

Fuzzy Henry Kent pickle Jones Caleb Kent Selmer Jackson Mr. Webb Frederick Burton Major Russell Simpson Jim Bridger Arthur By LOUISEDIACE The screen is now considering the turbulent responsibilities devolving on Brigham Young when he assumed leadership of the Mormons following the violent death of. Joseph Smith. Under the title Young, Frontiersman, this story by Louis Bromfeld: is occupying the Loew's P'oli screen. This is another action film that describes in successive waves the ordeals encountered by the Mormons before they able to Pgcape.

from what then comprised the United States and establish the freer wastes of what ha's become Obviously, it would be a mammoth task to gather the complex early history of Mormonism into a comprehensive motion picture, Twentieth Century- Fox studios are concerned a surface combing of the sect's principles and beliefs, utilizing the physical clashes between the memhers and unbridled mobs, to denote the strengthened purpose that sent them to fairer country. Thus, from the opening scene, when A merry dancing party Is brutally dispersed by night riders. to the final moments. when the Mormons' wheat crop is saved from devastating ets by welcome rush of sea gulls, there is cumulativo movement. From Naurno, the long trek starts.

cared for with scenic impressiveness hy tho Henry Hathaway's direction is mobile, vigorous and varied. He borrows somewhat from the technic of "Our Town" by permitting Brigham Young's bridge the gaps in time and events, but not enough to injure pace materially. Dean Jagger's Brigham is stalwart, honiely in accent. and picturesque in figure. Tyrone Power's Jonathan Kent is characteristically methodical.

Linda Darnell's Zina, the outsider whom Kent loves, serves fairly enough for romantic color. Yet, because this 19. a subject: that demands 4 broad and exhaustive study impossible for a single film to supply, this lack takes its toll from audience interest. If personal convictions are not strongly involved, it is doubtful that many filmgoers will feel emotionally concerned by. what is happening on the screen.

The associate filn, "Yesterday': Heroes," is a football story about a former gridiron star. who is made by friends to win back his self esteem and usefulness. Principals are Robert Sterling. Jean Rogers, Noth. Katharine: Aldridge and Russell Gleason.

FILMLAND FLASHES HOLLYWOOD is planning to cut down its extra rolls, but by doing SO the general pay standard will be raised for those -retained. STUDY of the situation revealed that last year about 2000 extras worked less than 10 days. It is this group that will be dismissed. if the step is MOVIEGOERS are learning to accept philosophically the fact: that some of their. greatest favorites are losing out romantically -on the screen.


4.20-11.30 LAST SHOW LID P. ME Robert Young Lewis Stone "Sporting Blood" Gene Raymond Wendte Barrie "CROSS COUNTRY ROMANCE" EXTRA! Latest March of Time "GATEWAY TO PANAMA" Sun. "The Great McGinty" Ample Parking Screen Timetable Loew's Poll- Brigham Young, Frontiersman," with Tyrone Jagger, 12, 3.12, 6.21, 9.36 Jean Rogers, 1.38, 3.10, 8.22. Want vorce, with Dick Powell and Joan Blondell. 12.30, 6.30, 9.57: with Judy Canora.

11.30, 2.30, 3.30. 8.30. Argentine Nights," with Ritz brothers, 11.30, 1.35, 1.10, 9.30; -Tropic 1, 3.30, 6.10, 8.10. Court Square Vaudeville, 1.39, 3.09, 8.19: -Golden Gloves, 12.17, 3.27. 6.37, 9.17.

Time for Comedy," with James Stewart, 12.50, 3.47, 6.35, 9.30: "Gambling On the High Seas." 11.30. 2.45, 8.35. 8.30. Love You Again," 12.13. 3.13, 6.18, 9.15: "Dr Chris.

tian Meets the Women," 2.05, 3.05, 8.03. Majestic, West Springfield "Sporting with Robert Young, 3.05, 9.10. the girl in "Ben Hur," he also lost out with the public. Time changes ideas. CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD and her husband, Martin Broones.

have become song -writing team. Their 10th composition will be heard in Miss Greenwood's next picture. IN LOO" Frank Morgan will play a radio impersonator. His big scene, in this respect, will be his idea of how Charles Boyer makes love to Greta Garbo. But, don't let it fool you, for it is Boyer's and Garbo's voices that will be heardthrough TAMAR.A has made five trips to Hollywood for screen tests.

Al were called failures. She trekked back to New York, discouraged. Now has role in a Herbert Wilcox Alm. He walked up to her in a restaurant and completed deal without bothering about formalities. Tamara made the song.

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," famous. FOR THE FIRST time Cecil B. De Mille has agreed to stand in front of the camera instead of behind it. This for the "North West Mounted Police" trailer done technicolor. as the feature: is.

LAMARR will have a comedy role in "Comrade Departure is radical, in a way, since glamour is the gal's stocky in trade. She plays motorman clanging along on the Moscow street railway system. ALLEY know-alls say the tune "Our Love Atfair" in the Rooney-Garland musical film, "Strike Up the Band," is one of the most promising of the year. OPENING TODAY 'I Want a Divorce' Film Feature at Paramount The story of a wife whose husband is a successful divorce lawyer, complicated by the unhappy time the wife's sister is having in the role of divorcee, is contained "I Want a the Paramount's new film. The idea is said to he handled from a comedy viewpoint for, made uneasy by her sister's tribulations, the wife's imagination leads her into marital discord.

Dick Powell and Joan Blondell 'arc the principal figures and Gloria Dickson is the perturbed. divorcec. Frank Fay comes back to the screen in a comedy role and Jessic Ralph. Harry Davenport and Conrad Nagel are much in evidence. Judy Canova is in the ing feature, "Scatterbrain." the story of an Ozark mountains girl who is confused with 3 "planted screen find" and thus finds her way to Hollywood and fame.

Other players are Alan Mowbray. Ruth Donnelly. Eddie Foy, Wallace; Ford and Isabel Jewell. Ritz Brothers' Film Presented at Bijou Nine song numbers are introduced by the Ritz brothers and the Andrew sisters in "Argentine Nights," film musical comedy, starting today at the Bijou. The Alm will mark the screen debut of the Andrew trio, Patty, Maxine and La Verne.

Peggy Moran, Inne Nagel, Kathryn Adams, Constance and George Reeves are listed among, assisting players. Also new bill is "Tropic Fury." featuring Richard Arlen and Beverly Roberts. who are supported by Lupita Tovar, Samuels S. Hinds and Andy Devine. EXTRA AGAIN ASKED FOR SCHOOL GRADING second request for an extra on the grading contract at the new Trade school wag filed with the city property, committee last night.

The first, for $55 covering a special fertilizer. was submittel last week by the low and successful bidder, George E. Dutcau. Last night's request was for $0170 in addition to the bid of $16,760 which won the contract for Duteau. Action on: the second extra, which would be used to put in a driveways, was postponed by track-rock subhase in one of the committce next week.

Members commitice were skeptical 'at the time the bids were awarded whether Dutcau could do the joli for (60 in view of the fact that the sec. onl low bidder. put in a price of 152. TIME OF RALLY CHANGED The city property committee are- ceived letter last night from Dr W. A.

R. Chapin, Republican state committeeman. notifying members of the committee that a Republican rally scheduled for November 3 in Auditorium will be held on Noventher 1. Amusem*nts LOEW'S LOURT VAUDEVILLE 0. THE TWO EMILY HEDDER Stage LESLIE REATS YALE.

ROLLING Milten VESPERS Co. 500 Sereen Seats 156 "Golden Gloves" ONLY STAGE SHOW IN CITY 4: Six Live Acts Of Vaudeville, Court Square Fast, Varied Weekend Bill, With Douglas Presiding -Film 'Golden Gloves' The regular vaudeville diet. is offered theatergoers by Loew's Court Square theater in a weekend bill featuring six. lively acts liberally accented by comedy. Leslie and Rollins are two girls appearing in blackface with songs and patter, and their fast comedy wins enthusiastic applause.

Miss Leslie, whose offstage name is Laurie Allen, is a native of Holyoke, A tap dancing trio, billed as Valc. Ross and Duke, make light work their strenuous routines and intersperse their act with comic antics. Milton Douglas as acting master of ceremonies utilizes 1 vast store of jokes with good effect in between acts and late in the show appears under his own billing with Priscilla. is the standard turn with Douglas workIng as straight for Miss Priscilla. By' way of variety the show includes a musical novelty presented by Petty and Lester Reat.

Accompanied on piano and accordion by Petty. Mr Reat evokes musical. notes from a series bottles and fashions them into compositions ranging from the 'Hungarian Rhapsody" to the "Beer Barrel The notes are sounded by his thimble-covered fingers striking the bottles. A bit of circus flavor is had from Hedder and Emily who perform from suspended ladder "and rope with a whirlwind Anish- in which Emily spins earthward while hanging by her teeth. In tho same category are the Vespers, whose gymnastics are performed with the aid of a.

teeter board. By using the weight of one member. to catapult the other. they are able to exccute twists and flips with cleverness and precision. The motion picture features Richard Denning and Jean Cagney in "Golden Gloves." Atty Howard Cotter of 211 Clifford street yesterday eliminated himself as a possible Democratic nominee for representative in the 8th Hampden district.

He announced last night he had written Secretary of State Frederic W. Cook, withdrawing his name. Atty Cotter and Councilman Archie E. Bruce each had their name written in five times on the Democratic ballot. He said last night that he appreciated the compliment and thanked those who had voted for him, but felt he did not want to become 2.

candidate. names of In the voters event who backed that 1: Councilman Bruce are certified. he oppose Edward J. Kimball, who won the G. O.

P. indorsem*nt Tuesday over Bruce by 23 votes. Councilman Bruce is still considering the advisability of demanding a recount. Two other recounts appeared in the offing. Councilman Edgar W.

Moquin, who lost out to former Councilman Norman W. Cowles for the Republican indorsem*nt for representative in the 5th Hampden district by 41 votes. has indicated he would seek a recounting of the votes, and- Atty James P. Mahoney, former license commissioner, has said he would ask for a recount in the Democratic clerk of courts contest which he lost to Charles M. Calhoun by only 134 votes.

COTTER REFUSES TO BE CANDIDATE Withdraws Name, Written in by Democrats in 8th District Two or Possibly Three Recounts Seen E. FOREST PARK CIVIC ASSOCIATION TO REVIVE All Residents Invited to Meeting Tonight in Wachogue Community Church The East Forest Park Civic association, which has been dormant for several years, will be revived at a meeting of community leaders and other interested citizens that district tonight at 8 at the Wachogue Community church on Whittum avenue. Arthur P. Tenno, who was named temporary chairman at a preliminary meeting held recently, will preside. Other temporary officers are: Secretary.

Fred Dickson: treasurer, Donald O. Notman. All residents of the area. and for. mer.

officers of the old association are invited to attend. Following a business. meeting at which objectives of the new association will be discussed. refreshments will he served. Some of the possible objectives to which the association may, give its attention in the way of improvements for the district are: 1.

Are alarm boxes for the district: 2. sidewalk construction on side of Plumtree road: 3, agitation for cutting of grass at both sides of Plumtree road: 4. conversion of the dump on Plumtree road into a playground for the children of the area; 5, to prevent. the building of any more temporary dwellings and to bring about improvements: of those already built in cordance with the restrictions in deeds: 6, more frequent bus service: atop the speeding which la's created. a hazard on Plumtree: CITY NEWS NOTES Wire Has Exposition Dinner The 23d annual Eustern States binquet: was by the Wico Electric company last night.

at the Hotel Sheraton with more than 200 present. The majority of the guests were exhibitors of farm machinery and equipment at the Exposition. V. K. Hunt was toastmaster.

and following the dinner there was an entertainment program. Huntington Man Awarded 60 .1 jury in superior court yesterday awarded damages of $860 to Carl D. Meredith of Huntington in an automobile accident suit against Wilfre1 Worthing of East The award was for injuries received in: a collision at Russell. Atty J. Lyman Gray represented the plaintiff.

and Ralph Spooner was for. the defendant. Opposes Gas Station License President Chester S. McGown of American International college and several residents of Oak Grove avenue yesterday appeared at a planning board hearing at City hall in opposition to a petition of the Colonial Beacon Oil company for a license to maintain a gasoline station at the corner of State street and Oak Grove avenue. The hoard tonk the case under visem*nt.

as it did a petition of Tifft Brothers for A similar license for A lot at 69 Market street. opposition was expressed at a hearing on this petition. FO The egg plant is also known as the aubergine. MARGARET SANGER WILL' STUMP STATE FOR BIRTH CONTROL To Speak Here October 17 in Campaign for Repeal of Ban On Contraceptive Advice by Doctors Drs Margaret Sanger, pioneer leader the cause of planned parenthood and honorary chairman of the Birth Control Federation of America, will speak in this city on Thursday night, October 17. under auspices of the local branch of the Massachusetts Slothers' Health She is scheduled to appear in 10 other Massachusetts cities during the weck of October 13 to 18, in behalf of a campaign change the law which makes it a criminal offense in Massachusetts for it physician to provide contraceptive information and care to married persons for health reusons.

On the afternoon of Thursday, October 17, she will speak at Northampton, and following her appearance here that night, she will deliver addresses Friday afternoon, October 18,1 at Greenfield, and night at Her topic in these talks will be "The challenge to Massachusetts." Supports Amending Petitions An initiative petition to amend the Massachusetts law regarding the dissemination of birth control information will 'be presented "to the 71941 Legislature, and it is to aid this movement that Mrs Sanger is undertaking a speaking tour of the At least 40,000 signatures of registered votera are being sought on the petition before November 15. The services of some 2500 volunteers are being enlisted to obtain the signatures. According Massachusetts Mothers' Health, council, Massachusetts is one the only in the union which makes it a criminal offense for a physician to provide contraceptive care even to a sick mother whose life may be endangered by a new pregnancy. Enforcement of this law: in 1937 resulted in the closing of seven clinics, including one in this city, which were serving 3000 sick married women who could not afford private medical care. The council "maintains that the bootleg traffic in questionable contraceptives which still flourishes in the state is no substitute, from either the medical or moral viewpoint, for sound.

legitiImate, scientific contraceptive care, and further, that the enforcement of the DRAFT REGISTRATION UNLIKELY DELAY tration 011 October 16, is also Foreseeing no delay in draft, registho final day for registering a of voters Dye the board of registrars, Brig-Gen Edgar C. he Erickson, adjutant -general, pointed out yesterday that the registrars will not be concerned with the actual conscription registration. AS tontatively. planned, the military registration will be done under the direction of: boards of registrars by precinct officers working on a voluntary, basis. an insufficient number volunteer to man: the polling places where the registration is to be conducted, the registrars.

will obtain workers from another source in accordance with instructions they are to receive by October 1 from the adjutant oflice. 230 Aliens Working in Canal Zone To Be Discharged by Army Today Balboa. Canal Zone. Sept. 19-(AP) -The United States army announced tonight that 230 European -born aliens employed in the Canal Zone, will be discharged tomorrow.

The order climaxed weeks of exhaustive investigation. On Monday, a group of 134 aliens found to be: residing illegally in the Canal Zone were sent to Ellis island. York harbor, aboard an army transport. Officials declined give detailed reasons for the discharges -but said they were "in national interest." A number of the 230 have nent or temporary Panama visas, but some of these are expected to be can- fold Massachusetts blue law is an invasion of the personal sand religious freedom of mothers and fathers in this state. Mrs Sanger's Record Airs Sanger began her work 3, for birth control in 1911 after her experiences as trained nurse in New York tenement districts showed her the sufferings of unwanted children and the misery of mothers, broken in health and spirit by bringing into the world babies who were not planned for.

For effort years she has people been, to pioneer realize in the to get that scientific birth control should be available to all mothers, rich and poor alike. She opened the pioneer birth control clinic in New York. which 15 now. the largest of its kind in the world and the model for 550 such clinics now functioning in this country. She organized the first birth control conference in Anierica.

the first World Population: conference in Geneva, Switz, in 1927, the conference first International Contraceptive in Zurich in 1930.. She has consistently worked So that birth control information, both here and abroad, would be under the direction of responsible medical authorities. The author of a number of books on birth control that have been translated into 1 dozen other languages, she has lectured all over this country and in many of the countries Europe on birth control and its place in family I- Auckland is the largest city in Newlat Zealand. 1. 8 GALLAGHER COURT CHOOSES OFFICERS Elects John J.

Connors- Chief Ranger Group to Attend. 104th's Program John J. Connors was elected chief ranger of A Gallagher court, 'Massaat a meeting held at Hotel el Worthy chusetts Catholic Order Foresters, last night. Other officers elected are: treasurer, William A. Sullivan, for.

Vice-chief ranger, Joseph mi A. Simeoli: his 30th term: secretary, Thomas B. Gleason; recording secretary, Jere L. Canty: senior. con- conductor, Leo J.

Gorman: junior inside ductor, Edward A. Welch; sentinel, John P. O'Connell: outside sentinel, John J. Long: trustees, Patrick Hurley, Jeremiah C. Callahan land William P.

Russell; representatives to the high court, Mr Long O'Connell and Mr Gleason; alternates, Mr. and Dr Callahan. The court has decided to attend the National guard day program to be given by the local units of the 104th regiment at the Howard-street armory Saturday The new officers will be installed at Hotel Worthy on October 17. by Deputy High Chief Ranger Jere Moynihan of John J. Leonard court and his staff.

After November 1, it was announced the court will 'meet the office of Dr Gleason at 2705 Main street. 4 pleasure To Drinks Never with Taste Gordon's Thin Gin A pleasure Ta PAY Gordon's has the Adyantage of Liqueur Quality High Proof, 94.4 CORDON'S DISTILLED DRY A GIN A ANT A GOOD CON A TAIL Gordon's Gin Neutral Spirits Distilled from Grain Distributors: Somerset Importers, New York Copyright 1940. Gordon's Dry Gin Linden. New Jersey SHE TOLD HIM HE'D GET A KICK OUT OF AND HE DID! When Joan 'screams celed by Panama authorities. What will happen to them is nebulous.

since at least some probably are unable to return to their homelands. For the most part those to be discharged are construction workers or employed in post exchanges, barber shops and tailor establishments. Officers said none had been on jobs where they might have had easy access to, secret military information. Most them were said to be Germans, Czechs or Yugoslavs. The Arst great migration of the Germanic peoples: began B.

C. 113. "I Want a Divorce" at Dick you'll scream too with LAUGHTER at this uproarious comedy romance of two modern young Americans who marry and live scrappily ever after. Paramount Presents DELL JOAN DICK POWELL slap happiest A DIVORCE amount's with FRANK FAY GLORIA RALPH DICKSON CONRAD Paramount Picture JESSIE by Ralph Murphy A Directed STARTS TOMORROW PLUS JUDY CANOUR THE nOnT THE ozarr 2ND REGULAR PARAMOUNT HIT! SCATTERBRAIN, POPULAR PRICES TIMES ON THE ON SCREEN STAGE WHITE'S SCANDALS JAMES DUNN LAST in TODAY 3:45 6:30 'HOLD THAT WOMAN' 5 A 3.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.